Chapter 28

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I was dazed. "He's waking up" said a women. "Good thing we are almost finished" said a man. There was people looking down at me with mask. My mouth was held open by something. What happened? I tried to remember. I was eating lunch. It was tuna Alfredo. Daron had a dairy free one. Then we worked around the glade till the doctors came up. I was nervous because I haven't been brushing my teeth. I know, it's bad. So I tried to refuse but then the dentist tried to force me so I panicked. Then Newt and Minho came to distract me while the doctors gave me a shot to put me to sleep. Oh, I guess that is how I got here then. The dentist finished and removed the thing from my mouth. I was still dazed. I closed my mouth and laid there. "You can take him" said the women. Minho picked me up and the doctors cleaned the supplies. Minho took me to our bedroom and Newt walked with us. "The dentist said you will be a little tired" said Minho. "Guess I should brush my teeth" I said tiredly.

"You're lucky you don't have a bloody cavity" said Newt. We entered our room and Minho laid me on the bed. It was comfy. Newt and Minho laid with me and covered us up. I slept for a bit till dinner. I think it was a few hours. I woke up and opened my eyes. "Glad you're up shuck face" said Minho. "Hey, what time is it" I asked. "A few hours till dinner. Some of the gladers are going to see Daron. He got his wisdom teeth out so he will be loopy for a few hours" said Newt. "I'm gonna see him quick" I said. We got up and headed to the hospital. Daron was asleep in one of the beds. "What are wisdom teeth" I asked. "They are teeth that you get removed because you don't have enough room for them" said Jeff. That makes sense. Daron opened his eyes and looked dazed. "Hey, how do you feel" asked Winston.  "I, don't have teeth" said Daron. "But you do, only the wisdom teeth were removed" said Zart. Daron started to cry. His Soulmate sat on the bed and held him. "It's okay Daron. You're teeth are still there" said Daron's Soulmate.

"I know, I just feel sad" said Daron. He cried as his Soulmate hugged him. I still think there is something more to their relationship. I swear he bit Daron's finger but for what? To taste his blood? I wonder about them. Why? They have a weird relationship. We stayed till dinner. We ate and Daron was no longer high on the medicine. It only took a minute or two for Daron to calm down, which was good. Some of the gladers say it usually takes a hour or so. Tonight was pork Patty sandwiches. I started eating with Minho and Newt. Daron took the bun of the top of his party and put the mash potatoes on the Patty. I was confused. Daron put the bun back on and started eating. His Soulmate cut it into small pieces. Oh how romantic. Why am I watching them eat? Why do I care? I looked at my plate and ate. The food was okay. I didn't talk much. After dinner was the worst part. We ran up to the doors. "Why aren't they closing" asked a boy. Alby started to order people around. The grievers came. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY HIDE" I yelled. We started running except Teresa.

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