Chapter 23

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"Fine" said Teresa. She looked away and ignored me. I saw Minho and Newt leaving. I climbed down and ran after them. I tried to catch them but they just ignored me. I spent the rest of the night trying to talk to them till Gally had to put me in the pit. I screwed up. "Hey what is your problem with me" I asked. I don't know if I asked because I am mad at Gally, Teresa, or myself. "Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby. And now the girl. Everyone saw she recognize you. And I'm betting you know who she is" said Gally. He opened the pit and I jumped in. "I don't like the girl that much to be honest" I said. Gally closed the gate and started to lock it. "Gally, you know we can't stay here forever right" I asked. Gally said nothing and finished with the lock. Once he finished he left. I sat in the pit feeling awful. Teresa kissed me infront of my two boyfriends who probably now hate me forever. I started to cry a little.

I saw a light and heard footsteps. "Who's there" I asked. My voice gave away that I was crying. "It's just me" said Chuck. I relaxed. Chuck gave me some food and a drink. "Here, you'll run better on a full stomach" said Chuck. I sat down and started eating. "Thanks Chuck" I said. "Are you okay Thomas" asked Chuck. I started to cry again. "No, Minho and Newt saw Teresa kiss me. They probably hate me now" I said. I wiped my eyes. "You didn't like the kiss right" asked Chuck. "How could I? I'm gay. I'm just wish they didn't hate me" I said. "They don't, it's just a misunderstanding. I can tell them if you want" said Chuck. "No, I'm sure I can fix it later" I said. I wiped my eyes and noticed Chuck looking at something in his hand. "What you got there" I asked. Chuck showed it to me. "That came out pretty good. What's that for" I asked. "It's for my parents" said Chuck. "You remember your parents" I asked. "No, but I mean I must have them. And where ever they are I'm sure they miss me but I can't miss them" said Chuck.

"Because I don't remember them" said Chuck. We said nothing and stood there. "What do you think you're going to find out there" asked Chuck. "I don't know but if this is a way out we will find it" I said. "Maybe I can see my parents again" said Chuck. "You will. I will help you find them Chuck" I said. "Thank's Thomas. I'm gonna get some sleep" said Chuck. "Good night buddy" I said. Chuck got up and left. I sat down and ate the food. How do I explain to Minho and Newt I still love them and not Teresa? She raped me. Well not really rape. That is a strong word. She only kissed me. She didn't go down on me. Thank God. Only Newt and Minho are allowed to please me. I finished the food and sat in the pit. I have to tell Minho and Newt tomorrow. Will they even forgive me? I shouldn't of gone up the tree fort. I bet Minho and Newt already had sex and are sleeping without me. I heard more foot steps and  looked up. Minho and Newt looked down at me. "It's time for your punishment Tommy" said Newt. "What" I asked.

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