Better Than Today

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Wow, chapter four's feedback was amazing! Thank you for all the messages and support. Because of that support, I was super motivated to get this next chapter out fast! Much love.

-Current Time Y/n PoV-

(I continue to walk in the rain.)

Your Thoughts: "If she and him do in fact have interest in each other, I will continue to push my feelings aside and be the friend I promised her I would be."

(Droplets begin to drop from my face... I can't tell if they are tears or the rain... Probably both. I continued walking and thought of all the times I could have spoken up about my feelings... How stupid could I be? At that moment I hear my text notification go off. Maybe it is Sana? I grab my phone from my pocket.)

(I put my phone back in my pocket

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(I put my phone back in my pocket... I sigh. I don't really want to talk to anyone right now, but this is a better alternative than going home and having to see Sana. Shortly after I see a car pulling up. In the passenger seat sits Nako and her mom is driving. Nako flashes me her friendly smile. She gets out of the front seat and opens one of the back doors so that I can get in, and then she sits next to me. I look at her and her smile instantly disappears as she probably sees how bloodshot my eyes were... The evidence of crying was something I could not hide. Her mom began asking questions from the front seat.)

Nako's Mom: "So Y/n why on earth were you walking out in this storm? Where is Sana at? Don't you normally ride with her?"

(Nako looked at my facial expression and apparently, I could not hide the pain when her mom asked that question. Nako's face softened, and as I went to open my mouth to reply, Nako cut me off.)

Nako: "Mom, Y/n just misses his dad and needed to clear his head. He began walking and then the storm hit. He did not plan on walking home while it was raining. But mom how was your day?"

(She masterfully changed the subject and directed the conversation in a way that her mom would not have me talk at this time. I mouthed a thank you to her. She gripped my hand tightly and mouthed "welcome.")

Nako: "Hey mom, Y/n and I have a group assignment to work on anyways. Do you think he can just come over for dinner? We can work on it, and then we can take him home after?"

Nako's Mom: "Sure, as long as it is okay with Y/n's mother?"

You: "Um, yes Mrs. Yabuki."

(I was not telling the truth... but if my mom needed to get a hold of me, she could just call me. I just did not want to go home right now. I nod to Nako. The rest of the drive consisted of Nako speaking with her mom so that her mother did not have time to further question me. When we arrived at her house, I could not believe how nice it was. I followed her out of the car and looked up at how large the house was... it was the only house on this whole street. Apparently, I was looking for a while as I heard Nako speak up.)

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