It's You

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Thank you all so much for the continued support! I appreciate you all more than you know! I know the last few chapters have been a bit heartbreaking, it sucks to even write it. But it will be worth it in the end. After every storm comes a rainbow!

As I go to close my front door, I turn and see Y/n... I see him get in a car. When I further inspect the car... I see Nako smiling at him. Sitting in the back seat are a few other girls.)

Sana: "Why has he not replied to me if he is good enough to go somewhere with HER?"

(I immediately step back into my house and quickly close the door before he had the opportunity to see me.)

Sana: "Have I missed my opportunity? Did my worries from so long ago come true? Does he like Nako? All the times I had the opportunity to confess... I didn't... and now I have missed my chance... Well... As I promised him. I will support him in anything he chooses."

(A single tear slides down my face before more begin to follow.)

-Your PoV-

(As I get in the car and sit down next to Nako I return a smile to her and bow to the other girls in the back seat. I then find myself looking at Sana's front door. I tell myself that I will need to eventually get over it and reach out to her... She is probably curious why I have not said anything to her... or maybe she has been too preoccupied with him... As I was getting lost in my thoughts Nako interrupted my thinking by speaking up.)

Nako: "So are you excited Y/n? Also, these are some of the other girls I work with. That is Nagai Riko, you can call her Rikopin, that is Hayata Yuriko, she goes by Yuri, and she is Saito Natsumi, we call her Nacchan" (She points to the girls sitting behind us from left to right.)

You: (I bow to them individually.) "It is nice to meet you all. I am L/n Y/n. I look forward to working with you all."

Natsumi: "Oh we know who you are." (She turns to look at Nako.) "You were not lying."

(The three girls in the back start giggled, and Nako has a wide-eyed expression and subtlety shushes them. I look at her with a puzzled look and she just shakes her head at me.)

Nako: "They are just crazy sometimes... So when we get there, I will introduce you to our instructors and they will probably want to see where you are at, regarding singing and dancing... or whatever it is you wish to work on. I hope you are ready for that?"

You: "Wait... I am expected to sing and dance for them today? Why did you not tell me, I didn't prepare anything..."

(Nako giggles.)

Nako: "Well, start thinking then! I never really asked, what is it that you want to do? Is it both dancing and singing? Or maybe even rapping?"

You: "Dancing is okay... But I have always enjoyed singing more. When I was younger my mom made me take some classes, but since I have been in Japan, I have not really had time for them."

Nako: "You never told me you were in vocal classes, does anyone else know?"

You: (You blush a little.) "No, it is not something I am too confident about... I was always told I had natural talent, but I never really believed anyone when they said it."

Nako: (Smiles.) "I am sure you are such a good singer; you are good at everything you set your mind to Y/n. Our instructors are going to be blown away and then they will help you get even better." (She pauses and then gets wide-eyed.) "Oh my gosh! You know there is our school's talent show coming up! Have you thought of performing?"

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