008 - True colours

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Phoenix watched as Angel's mother buried her. The dark-grey molly brushed the dirt over her daughter. Jewel, the queen who raised her only surviving daughter, stared down. She watched as the cats placed their flowers and said their goodbyes for the last time. Her eyes lacked the emotion Phoenix thought she'd have. Phoenix assumed she'd be crying her eyes out but instead, she stood there. Her eyes were swollen, dead and lifeless. She didn't make a sound but her chin trembled. She would be screaming at any point.

Snowy jogged beside the molly. His ears were low as he pressed a nose to her neck. "It was her time." He whispered to her. "God wanted her back."

Jewel sniffed. "How could you say that?" Her voice was flat and softly spoken. "She was your daughter. Are you really going to-"

Snowy raised his tail to cut her off. He looked away from the molly as he repeated himself, his voice rumbling deep in his throat. "It was her time. God wanted her back."

She shook her head. Her eyes were shut tight as she began to shake, trying to hold the tears back. Angel wouldn't want to see her cry like this. Angel definitely wouldn't want her father to say things like that. Jewel's fur stood up. She started to whimper, which slowly turned into quiet sobbing. Her nostrils flared and her claws unsheathed, her paws had become tense. Snowy glanced at her but just before he could say anything, she swiftly turned around. She yowled something that no one could understand, swinging a paw across his face. Blood stained his white pelt. He looked back at her slowly, danger sparking in his eyes.

Jewel took a few paces back, expecting him to attack.

"Prepare yourself, Phoenix. If Snowy decides to attack, Jewel will kill him. You must either watch Snowy die or kill Jewel. You can't stop this if they start."

Phoenix's heart stopped for a moment. Hawk, you piece of. . . Can't you help me? Phoenix watched Snowy stare at his mate. She'd seen Snowy mad before and it caused his primal instincts to take over. Would he really hurt the one he should protect?

"Enough." Flint growled from behind them. His dirty-brown pelt fluffed out as he walked in between the two. "This isn't the time to be fighting." He glanced at Phoenix and gave her a small, meaningful nod.

Snake stepped forward. "He's right. If anything, we should be blaming Phoenix! It was all a part of her plans."

Phoenix flinched but was relieved when Honey defended her. "She's only six months old-"

"Excuses, excuses. Punish her! Sentence her to death!"

Phoenix felt hurt by Snake's words. Did he really think she'd kill Angel on purpose? It was as if the mean words fuelled her anger, slowly triggering her primal instincts to attack. Her own breathing became louder as her growls rumbled low in her throat. Snake's and Honey's arguement became muffled. She could no longer see clearly but their scents were strengthened, and hers became foul and dangerous.

Snake wondered towards her and prodded her pale-orange chest with a paw. She stumbled back a few steps before she glared up at him, her amber eyes were slits as her claws unsheathed. Phoenix heard Honey's voice but Snake didn't respond to his orders. For a second, time stopped. Then Snake was in mid-air for what felt like longer than a minute. Phoenix leapt up after him. Her forepaws slammed into his stomach, tossing him over her head. They both landed on their feet. The molly spun around at the tom. Not waiting a second, she charged towards him.

"Good girl." Hawk praised. She could hear the smirk on his face. "Aim for the neck."

So. . . You haven't posessed me? Phoenix became aware too late. Her fangs were already penetrated into his skin. The metallic taste of crimson droplets hit her tongue. She bit down harder and pulled away, tearing his throat wide open. Blood plunged onto her pelt and grass. Phoenix watched him collapse. His body shook as he gasped for air. For a few seconds, his eyes became lifeless before he started shaking again. After that, he stopped moving. Phoenix looked over at Honey.

"I haven't done anything wrong here." She spoke calmly. All the innocence she had in her was gone. Her eyes went cold, hiding the remorse she felt. "To kill the leader's heir without the leader's word is to kill God's finest, future world. To go against your leader's word is to go against God."

"I know." He responded sadly. "He would have had to be sentenced to death, anyway."

Heather stepped over the dead body. The brown molly sighed softly and shook her head. "You really are the daughter of hell."

"Would you like to join Snake?" Phoenix spat.

"Girls, there is no need for this." Flint said softly. He trotted over to Snake and nudged the tom with his nose. "What's done is done."

Phoenix couldn't help but feel sorry for the wolf. He and Snake had always been close. They were like brothers and just like that, Flint was on his own. The wolf sat to mourn Snake. His ears remained low as he placed a paw on the tom's cold, inanimate body.

Heather, on the other hand, felt no sympathy for him. She flicked her tail, unsheathing her claws. "What do you know? You're just a dumb pup." Honey looked at her shocked. Phoenix thought she'd stop but she didn't. "Wolves like you never last long. You always end up killing those of your kind."

"That's enough, Heather." Honey growled. "Is that anyway to talk to your own uncle?"

"He's a wolf, Dad. He doesn't belong here."

"He belongs here more than anything. This is his home. You're becoming more like your mother everyday."

"I know and I'm proud!"

Phoenix took a few paces back. She didn't want to be involved in the mess she had created. As bad as it seemed, she was glad she brought out the true colours of those around her. Her eyes landed on her paws seconds before she caught a glimpse of dark-grey fur. She sighed deeply, her ears lowering. "What is it now?" Phoenix grumbled, her eyes not moving.

"You're in a bad mood today." He chuckled lightly. "Did the blood startle you?"

Oh no, the blood made me feel content. It did flow from my enemies and soon, there will be pools of it around the forest. She looked up at Hawk, knowing he could hear her thoughts but not caring. She straightened up, her amber eyes drifting towards Lavender, who was walking out of the forest. She looked upset, torn by everything. Phoenix felt a rush of glee. She glanced at Tigress before padding off into the wilderness. Hawk followed.

"Where are you going, Phoenix?" He asked with a purr.

"Me? Oh, I'm about to have a friendly talk?"

"Is that so? Right now? Won't they know?"

She skidded to a halt, seeing her littermate ahead. She let out a light chuckle. "I got a plan."

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