012 - Cold As Ice

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It was as though as she was reborn.

She snapped her amber eyes open and looked up at Oak, who was towering over her. His paw was stuck firmly onto his chest, blood oozing out of where his claws dug into her skin. She placed her own paws onto his arm and raked at his skin as if it were leaves. The big brown tabby hissed in pain. At last, Phoenix was able to break free.

She stood on all fours, her haunches raised into the air. Oak stood tall on two feet. Perfect. Just as Oak went to attack, Phoenix launched. Her claws digging straight into his underbelly. The tom stumbled over and yowled. Phoenix stood over him and smirked, "I'm pretty hungry myself." She chuckled darkly, licking her lips.

"Phoenix, stop!" Tigress yowled, worry overtaking her. "That's your uncle!"

"Kill him." She heard Hawk Of Loose Feathers order. She decided to listen to him instead.

Phoenix dipped her head into his stomach. Her teeth gripped into vital organs and pulled them out, scraping against their tissues. He finally stopped moving.

Tigress ran over but suddenly fell to her side. She didn't understand at first until she saw Phoenix standing directly in front of her. She glanced down in horror, seeing a pool of her crimson blood. She was losing her final life. She glanced up at Phoenix with eyes wider than a mouse, straining her voice to speak. "W-Why would-"

"You wanted to get rid of me." Phoenix said coldly. "I promised Angel I would avenge her death."

Tigress wanted to respond but didn't. Phoenix heard her confessing all of her sins but didn't listen. She walked away slowly. There was no real emotion in her anymore. Now it was just pure anger. What Sin told her had broken her completely. Maybe Snake was right? His prophecy was slowly becoming true.

Phoenix walked out of the battlefield, stepping over ripped fur and blood. She fought the tears that stung her amber orbs, quickly blinking them away. If only humans didn't modify our DNA to have tears, I wouldn't have to hide as much. She told herself. Phoenix had heard stories from older cats about the different ways humans changed their bodies; she didn't want to believe it.

"My, aren't you dirty?" Hawk chuckled. Phoenix looked over at the tom and raised an eyebrow. She looked down at her pelt cautiously. Blood was soaked into her pelt. Dirt had landed onto her back and her fur looked like tumbleweed.

She glared at him coldly. "What do you want?"

Hawk shrugged before leaning forward to lap at her ears. "To congratulate you."

She rolled her eyes and began walking off, ignoring his voice. It was bad enough she had lost everything. She had won all her battles, but at what cost? Well, almost all. I still have to get revenge on Sol. She told herself.

Hawk nodded. "So, you're depressed now, huh?"

"Why are you still following me?" She spat, not looking at him.

"Because I missed you."

"I don't- wait, what?"

Phoenix turned to look at him, her mouth hung wide open. He stood there smugly. She let out a deep growl and glared at him. I should kill this man. She took a deep breath and continued walking, not caring of he followed. She headed upstream to a lake where the water was cold. She placed a paw inside, before putting her whole body in it. Phoenix shivered. Her damp fur would stand on all ends if it could.

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