001 - The hours before awakening

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The tall, silver tom walked across the clouds. His long ears flickered as he turned to one side of the sky which lay in darkness. The moon glowed brighter than usual, making him nod in understanding. This had to mean something. The tom turned to the light side. He glanced down at the blind kitten with great pity as she stumbled around and tried to chase a piece of cloud, his blue eyes flickering between her and then sun, its flame burning furiously. His eyes squinted as it began to change shape, God was telling him something. An omen? The sun grew wings, its body shifting in what looked like a bird. A phoenix.

He felt the clouds shoot some lightning down towards the earth, he could hear it pierce the ground. He caught the scent of fire and smoke for a second whilst the ground rumbled and let out its wrath against the animals. The kitten mewed in fear and the tom put a white paw on her head.

He turned to a small, ginger molly with great confusion. It was clear she saw it too. "What do you think, Rose?" He questioned her. "What's it mean?"

"A lot," she responded. "It's time for her to go Jay. We'll send her in the morning tomorrow, Axel."

"About time, she's been here far too long! She's almost a month and she hasn't grown an inch!"

He heard the kitten whine, "I don't wanna go!" She prodded at his legs with her tiny paws, her ears low as she began to sob. "Please let me stay, I promise I'll be good!"

Jay chuckled and scooped her up with his tail, leaning down to lap at her forehead. "We will see each other again." He grabbed her by the scruff, letting a gush of wind blow away the clouds as if it were a blanket, and reveal the green forest. Although she couldn't see it, she could smell and taste the air. She could hear the soft rustling of leaves.

Rose sat by her side, wrapping her tail around the kitten protectively. She was tiny, almost the size of a newborn. Rose narrowed her green eyes down at the kitten, a soft smile fading onto her face. "Don't worry, little one. You'll be able to see and face the world," she told her reassuringly. "Can you tell me what your clowder is called?"

The kitten hesitated. "Sun Clowder. It's called that because it gets the most sun!"

Jay laughed, "not quite. It's because your clowder sits in the hottest part of the forest. You guys hate the cold."

Rose nodded. "You guys are known for fighting skills and great climbing. Who is your enemy clowder?"

"Rain Clowder." She answered. "They love water and they're good at hunting. They live in the North Forest."

"And South cats-"

The kitten cut her off with a sigh and stood up, staring up at Rose as if she could see with big, doe eyes. "South cats are known for their high jumps and being fast and all that, I know."

"Don't be witty, darling. Remember your possible punishments? Your leader isn't very nice all the time, you know?"

The kitten shrugged and rolled her eyes, earning a giggle and lick from Jay. "So much like your mother."

Her smile slowly disappeared. She continued to stare down at the kitten and Axel the saw sorrow that flashed in her eyes. She walked ahead and bounded down the slope. Axel knew something was on her mind. He hauled himself to his feet, lifting the kitten from the muddy ground.

He ran towards Rose. He glanced at her as she stopped at the river. Of course as soon as they put Phoenix down, it started raging. They weren't the only ones to have noticed the river. Many cats told them about the kitten and the river. Axel wanted to ask what it meant But his nagging suspicion of her keeping a secret remained.

To his relief, she spoke. "The water. . . It's an omen, the water will destroy her."

Axel's heart lurched. "Don't you think we should tell a cat or her guide to-"

"No, this is a part of her destiny." Axel saw icy determination in the old cat's eyes. She shot him a grateful look for him not protesting, a purr rumbling deep in her throat. "This is why I accepted to become your Kitty-Mate. You're so understanding, Axel Where the Rocks Fall."

"Don't call me that, or should I call you Rose Where The Wolves Hunt?"

Rose laughed and cuffed at his ears with a paw. Looking over her shoulder, Rose saw a sycamore crash down onto the cold earth, crushing everything beneath its heavy branches. She rolled her eyes and growled. Humans trespassing, again.

Axel shook his head in annoyance. "Let's send her off now, it's her time to face reality."

"Right now? Why not tomorrow in the morning? It would be more convenient for the cats."

"No, we can't hold her back. Not when there's a threat." He raised his chin in the air and sighed.

She nodded, and pulled the half-asleep cat to look at her. "It is her time, she's going to fade away if we don't send her." Rose leaned down to press her nose against the kitten.

Phoenix's eyes widened. Even though she could see nothing, she could somehow see everything light up. Axel and Rose's faces faded away, making her cry out and reach towards them. Her memories all began to fade from her mind, except for all she learned. She thrashed her paws about in mid-air, only for it to fade to black again. . .

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