Chapter 19

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Days passed, no word from Frank. Radio silence. As the days passed Gerard regretted sending his address more and more, what was he thinking? Frank is still someone over the internet. He could be sending people to his house to kill him or anything. Gerard's mind was a mess and he couldn't think straight anymore.

Frank got up with a smile: today was a good day. He swiftly put on some black ripped skinny jeans and the nearest band tee, which happened to be smashing pumpkins, and headed out. A quick stop for a Caramel Iced Latte from Starbucks and maybe a bagel (or two) and he was on his way, you see the problem is, Frank doesn't know his way. Quickly realising his mistake and pulling his phone out Frank went on his journey. Travel in a town you don't know can be extremely nerve wracking, especially when you're travelling on public transport. One long, and interesting, at least that's what the homeless man singing songs would say, train ride later and he'd arrived at his destination, Romance On Main. Entering the front door Frank was already intimidated, this seemed so easy in his head, get in grab something romantic and get out. The reality started to dawn on Frank, what did he know about romance? Frank had never been in a serious relation, sure he'd had a few flings and semi-serious boyfriends but that didn't feel the same. Quickly passing a rather vibrant section Frankie searched for what felt like hours, gift boxes, candy bags, rather intimate goods, he had no idea what to get. Realising he had to be on his way Frank decided on simple yet romantic, flowers. At one of the stores themed room was a florist, Frank was immediately hit with the aroma of fresh roses and felt very welcomed by the older man behind the counter, smiling fondly. Franks newest dilemma had appeared, flowers. Red roses? Too cheesy, but they're so pretty. Black roses? Was that too like "I hate you" or gothic? Torn between the two he started to sweat
"I'll do you a deal" the older man says looking down at the nervous teenage boy. Frank looks up confused
"It seems you have a very important decision on your hands, which colours do you like?" The old man said, smiling softly. Without a second thought Frank piped up, or rather rambled,
"Well I love the red ones, traditional, classic, but what if I'm coming on too strong? And the black ones are gorgeous but I'm declaring love here not war" Frank didn't even realise what he'd said out loud, love.
The old man saw the rambling young boy and it reminded him of himself at a young age, yearning for the love of his life, Dianna. He remembered getting a mixed bouquet and how she adored the colours. He couldn't wait to go home to Dianna.
"I'll make you a special deal, your own personalised bouquet, black AND red roses." Frank grinned ear to ear, this was perfect, just what he needed. Frank eagerly agreed and waited patiently while the lovely old man went out the back to arrange his special gift. Soon enough the flowers were in his hand, sparkling bright. Frank paid the man the required amount and left a nice tip, much to the florists shock, saying his shop was beautiful and he would never forget it.
"Now go get him." The elder man said as a goodbye, Frank was shocked, how did he know? Oh the wisdom of black old men.

Just one more train trip and he would finally be pulling possibly the most ballsy stunt in his life.

I know I say it a bunch but thank y'all for the support on this book! I missed writing a lot but there's a bit going on in my life so I apologise about my upload schedule, or lack of. Please comment what you think is going to happen next or what you want to see in this fic!
Stay safe, ACAB!
- Tiara

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