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Geo's P.O.V.

"Hi Mr. Russo.", three girls chimed as they walked by the house in their school uniforms. Micah stood up from leaning over my car's engine,

"Hi girls."

"What are you doing?", Angelina asked.

"Just fixing up-"

"My car.", I cut in, "We're just connecting some wires and that stuff. Y'know, car things." Micah scoffed softly, going back to putting more oil in my car. "What are you girls doing out alone?"

"We can handle ourselves y'know.", Mia said softly. Ah, Mia... I nodded,

"No, I know. Just... curious."

"We had practice after school.", Gwen explained.

"Ah. How was it?"

"Terrible.", they all said. I chuckled as Micah closed the hood of my car,

"All set." He leaned over to me, "Offer them a ride for fuck's sake.", he whispered.

"Do... you guys want a ride home?" They all started squealing and giggling, nodding yes. I laughed, "Okay. Get in."

"Bye Mr. Russo.", they all chimed. Micah turned and waved to them,

"Bye girls."


I stopped in front of Mia's house last as she kissed my cheek,

"Thanks for the ride G."

"Anytime." She got out and went to the door as her dad came outside,

"Who's that?"

"Geo.", she said softly.

"Oh really?" She rolled her eyes as he started down the sidewalk. I got out of my car and shook his hand,

"Hi. I'm Geo."

"Michael. That's a nice car you've got there."

"Thank you sir. My dad owns the company back in Italy."

"Wow. That's cool." I nodded. "So... dropping of my Mia I see?"

"Yes sir. I really didn't want her or the others walking all the way home alone. It's getting dark."

"I appreciate it."

"Anytime." I paused, "I... would really like your permission to ask Mia on a date."

"As long as you come to a family dinner first, of course."


"Papa!", I called, bolting into the house and to the kitchen. I hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek, "You are the best!"

"I'm aware.", he laughed, "Why the suck up?"

"Because the car you got me just got me a date with Mia." He sent me a glare,

"What did I tell you young man?"

"Not to use materialistic objects to get people to like me. I know. But I think she already likes me." He held my face in his hands,

"Just don't get hurt, got me? Your mother would roll over in her grave if I let you get your heartbroken."

"Worth it if it meant she'd come back." He smiled sadly,

"I know bambino. I miss her too." He paused, "She would be so, so proud of you."

"Thanks papa."

"I'm also so, so proud of you."

"I know."

"Good. Go set the table."

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