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Bella's P.O.V.

"Your father doesn't want you around.", I heard Oliver's mom snap through the phone. He scoffed,

"Shocker. I don't want me around either mom."

"Pack your shit and move out by tomorrow."

"Gladly." He hung up, his head falling to his hands. I rubbed his back softly,

"C'mon. Let's get home Oli."

"I can't go home Bells."

"Yes you can. You're staying with us."

"Is Luca gonna he okay with that?"

"I'm not giving him a choice."


"Of course he can stay Bella. As long as he needs.", Luca said softly. I hugged him,

"Thanks fratello. You're the best."

"I'm aware."

"Bella?", Oliver called walking in, "I have to go get my stuff."

"Okay. Can Luca come?" He nodded,

"I-I'd really appreciate it."

Luca's P.O.V.

"So... he's staying with us?", Geo clarified. I nodded,

"Yes. For as long as he needs. And if I catch you two having sex, I'll kill you both."

"He doesn't like me Luca. I'm offended you're having this talk with me and not with Micah."

"Geo if Micah has sex with Oliver it's a felony."


I sighed,

"Bells, I know you like your school and your friends are there and stuff, but-"

"You want me to move.", she cut me off softly. I nodded,

"I'm sorry sorella. The boys were fine with it because they hadn't gotten attached yet. If I'd known months ago I wanted the job or that I'd get the job, I would have put you there."

"I'll go. But I have my own conditions."

"They... can be considered. Go."

"I still get to hang out with my friends whenever I want."

"Of course amore. We love them too."

"If I hate it and it's not good for me, i can go back. I don't like being without my brothers, but Max and Oli watch out for me too. I'd be okay."

"Okay but you have to give it a few weeks or months."


"Anything else?"

"Promise me you and Micah are the only people who will ever spank me."

"I hope we won't need to either, but promise. If you get spanked at school, it's as a student and you will be spanked additionally at home as our sister."

"Fine.", she sighed, "I just don't trust anyone else and it'd ruin me." I nodded,

"I understand. I really think you'll like it kid."

"We'll see."


"Fratello?" I looked up from my desk,


"I know but I'm here as your sister, not your student."

"Okay.", I chuckled as she sat across from my desk, "What's up?"

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