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Sebastian's P.O.V.

"Is he okay?", papa asked. I shook my head, looking down at Leo as he slept in my lap on the couch,

"No. And-And he won't be for a really long time papa."

"I know. He starts therapy tomorrow and hopefully it will help."

"I hope so too. I-I don't know what to do if not."

"We'll figure it out bambino. He has a family now. Anything's possible with family." My phone rang as I answered Geo's call,

"Hey kid-"

"I'm in the hospital.", he choked out.

"You're what!?"


"I'm so happy you're okay.", papa said kissing Geo's head. Bella nodded, laying on his chest in the hospital bed. Luca grabbed her chin firmly,

"This is why you always wear your damn seatbelt. Do you understand me?" She nodded as he turned around, pointing at Leo, "You too young man. I'll kill all of you if the car wreck doesn't."

"We know fratello.", Bella said softly.

"What happened?", Ales asked.

"I turned the corner too fast and hit a patch of water. Then I'm not sure but but my car rolled.", Geo said quietly, "I was so scared. I thought I was gonna die."

"You didn't. You're okay amore.", papa said. He was. Geo got out with some bruises, a few broken ribs and a broken arm. He got really lucky.


Papa and I sat in the dimly lit kitchen late that night when Geo slipped in tiredly,

"Papa?", he sniffled.

"G, what's wrong?", he asked.

"A-Am I in t-trouble?"

"For what amore?"

"My-My car."

"Giovanni, cars are replaceable. You, mi amore, are not. Of course you aren't in trouble."

"Luca was really mad."

"He wasn't mad bambino. He was concerned and got strict." He nodded a little as papa hugged him,

"Now bed. It's a school night." Geo stepped back,

"Papa it's Saturday." Papa paused,

"No, I know. Still, bed." He kissed Geo's head, "Buona notte dulce."

"Buona notte.", Geo said softly, coming over to hug me. He went back upstairs as I looked to papa,

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Papa, you forgot what day it was. Again." He turned to me,

"People forget sometimes Sebastian. I am fine."


"Papa, you need cream. Not milk.", Ales said as papa made dinner.

"No I don't.", papa insisted.

"Yes you do. See?", he said pulling down moms old cook book, "Cream."


"Papa, it's okay to get help.", Luca said softly.

"I don't need help. You all overreact.", he said quietly.

"You're getting older.", I said softly, "Nonno had alzheimers really early. But he got help and got better."

"You're getting worse. And that's okay, but you need to get help. For us.", Micah said. Papa sighed,

"Boys, if I'm sick or-or I die, Luca has to step in.", he said quietly.

"Papa I'm okay with that.", Luca said, "I've prepared for it. When you need to step down, I'm absolutely ready to step up. I promise."

"I'm not ready for you to step up Luca."

"We're not ready to explain to Bella why you forgot her birthday."

"Or to Geo why you can't remember moms favorite song.", Ales added. I nodded,

"Or to Leo why you get confused on how to get home from places."

"We understand that you're not ready to get help or admit that you need help.", Luca explained, "But we're not ready to slowly lose our dad. And we are."


"Luca?", I whispered.

"I know.", he said back, just as softly, "I just need a minute Seba."

"I know. I came to check on you." I sat next to him on dads bed.

"Why did this happen?"

"If you die in certain ways, the mafia takes care of your family forever instead of taking your family. He didn't want us to lose you and him."

"I could have handled it. I could have fucking done it."

"We know. He knew that Luca. He was just scared."

"Well now I'm scared!", he snapped, his voice cracking, "H-How am I supposed to raise Geo and Bella without him? How can I go on without him?"

"Luca don't say that.", I snapped, "I know you're sad. We're all so fucking sad. But we have to stay here. We have to help. We have to-to get Bella out of her room and-and make Geo talk again and move forward. We have to keep going because it's what papa would want." He forced a laugh,

"You're getting good at the older brother speeches fratellino."


"Go away."

"You haven't eaten in two days. Get out here or you won't like the outcome.", I said sternly through Bella's door.


"Excuse me young lady!?"

"You heard me!" I sighed, using the drill to unscrew her locked door and take the whole thing off it's hinges,

"You can have this back when you earn it back.", I said walking into her room.

"Go away! I hate you!"

"That's fine but you still have to eat. I still have to take care of you and I still love you.", I said putting a plate on her desk, "If you'd prefer, I'll call the doctor and they can set up and appointment to tube feed you. I don't want to do that to you." She looked sickly as she laid in her bed, where she'd been for days.

"I don't care. I don't wanna do anything but die.", she whispered, tears slipping down her cheeks, "I miss papa fratello." I pulled her close to me,

"I know. I know amore. I do too. So, so much. But he wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want us fighting and being angry and sad. He wouldn't want you locked away starving yourself and cussing and being like this. He would want us to get up and live our lives. He would want us to move on with each other. We still have each other."

"I want my dad.", she cried.

"I know. Me too Bella."

"I don't hate you.", she sniffled, "I'm sorry Seba. I could never, ever hate you."

"I know. You were just upset neonata."

"I love you."

"I love you too dulce."

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