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Sebastian's P.O.V.

I sighed, putting Bella's textbook and homework on her desk and covering her up. She woke up as I did so,

"Wh- Oh. Oops.", she muttered.

"Go to bed kid. It's late." She shook her head, getting up and moving to her desk tiredly. She reached into the drawer and pulled out an energy drink, opening it and drinking some. "Where did you get that? They're terrible for you and you're not supposed to have them."

"Sebastian please just leave it.", she whispered, looking up at me, "Please. I have a really big test tomorrow. I-I just need to study." I knew that was a lie. We knew when all of her tests were, even pop quizzes she didn't know about.

"Bella, it's almost ten o'clock. School ended hours ago and you've done nothing but sit up here studying-"

"And I'm still not smart enough.", she snapped, "Just go. Please. I've already wasted time."

"We'll talk about this another day.", I said walking out. I paused outside her room as she broke down crying. I swallowed hard, going to the kitchen where Luca was, "Luca?"

"You okay?", he asked me.

"Bella's excessively studying again." He shrugged,

"We can't stop her Seb. She's just trying to improve."

"She's gonna get sick Luca! She hasn't slept in at least three days, she's barely eating, all she does is study and work to try and meet your expectations."

"She's almost there. When she hits her goal, she'll stop."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then I guess we'll stop her."

Bella's P.O.V.

"Up.", Mr. Russo commanded. I stood up, fixing my skirt and picking up my backpack. "You need to sleep at home, not at school. We can't keep having this conversation Montebella." I nodded,

"Yes sir." Three times this week and it was only tuesday. He hesitated,



"It's okay. You can sleep.", Mr. Nichols said as I sat in a desk by his. I shook my head, opening and chugging an energy drink before throwing it away,

"No I can't. I'm fine." He passed me a paper, my grade reading a B+. I nodded a little, "Okay. I'm almost there."

"Almost? You got far from a C."

"It won't be good enough until it's perfect."

"It or you?"


"Montebella I hope you're not sleeping.", Mr. Russo snapped me out of my daze. I sat up quickly,

"N-No sir."

"With all do respect sir, it's okay.", Mr. Nichols jumped to my defense, "If she's too tired to keep her eyes open, she's too tired to absorb information."

"Montebella and I have talked about her sleeping in class this week. She knows better. I nodded,

"Yes sir. I'm sorry sir." He sat in a desk towards the front,

"I think I'll stay for awhile."


I handed my grade card to Mr. Russo after school. He looked over it and nodded,

"Good. Math could use improvement. And gym."

"Yes sir." I turned and left, stopping at my math teachers room first, "Ms. Mason?"

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