Chapter XIX

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A week, a week was enough to finish your work. It almost felt unreal, you had spent an hour contemplating your final product and were proud of what you had accomplish. You didn't know what to do with it since you were not going to be able to turn it in until your boss allowed you to do so, so you now had that thing just sitting on your office inside a huge envelope ready to be sent as soon as you were able to.

Ring, ring

-What...- you saw your phone to see Law's name on it, it was late and he was calling you so you knew he was out of work- Hi Law, how are you doing?

-I should be asking that- he said- I saw your message, congratulations

-Oh, thank you- you said removing your eyes from the envelope for the first time in an hour- I... don't know how to feel about it... how do you feel after you do your surgeries?

-It's hard to describe... after all I save lives- he bragged making you chuckle- do you want to do something to celebrate?

-Celebrate what? - you questioned- I haven't publish it or even deliver it...

-Just that you finished, you deserve something for doing it- he said- a lot of people would cheer when it publishes but tonight is your time to cheer for yourself, you can count me in though

-Of course, I will- you said- what do you have in mind?

Law tried to think on a good restaurant, some too formal or not exciting enough for the occasion. He didn't want to take you to the same one you had been in priorly and yet he couldn't think of anything else... until he saw the wine bottle on his coffee table, the one he had been gifted with after a successful surgery that same day.

-You can come to my place- he panicked as soon as those words left his mouth- we can go somewhere else, maybe

-I would love to- you said before he could change the subject, he was about to smash his head against the wall because of his actions but hold the thought- do you want me to bring anything?

-No... it's okay- he said on the corner of his living room defeated not knowing what he was going to do with the mess he just caused, Bepo looked at him waiting for an answer he didn't have- I'll send you the address...

-Okay... I'll be there in an hour? - you said checking your clock- if it's okay

-Of course, - he said about to bang his head on the floor

While you took a shower and got ready, Law got stressed and tried to cook something fast. He wasn't the best at it and to one point he burnt part of the food and called a nearby restaurant to get something, obviously he disposed the evidence of it as he thought he could fool you into believing he did it himself.

You were impressed of how close he lived; it was so close that you even walked there finding his apartment complex to be fancier than yours. It was his style, that's what you believed. As soon as you got buzzed the bell, he let you in, making you grew curious about how would his apartment look like. You imagined a white space full of trophies and diplomas just like his office.

-knock, knock- you said reaching his door, you heard something falling on the other side and Law cursing but, in a minute, he opened the door

-Hello- he said not really opening the door fully- give me a minute- he said closing the door again. You were left outside contemplating the door while you heard Law yelling to his dog on the other side for breaking a plate, you chuckled when you heard it and trying to dissimulate when he opened the door back- sorry for that

-No problem- you said finally entering the mysterious place, it was nothing like you imagined, it was more casual and simple than you thought with no trophies or diplomas or prizes anywhere- hello!!- you said to Bepo who immediately jumped to you to greet you despite of Law yelling at him to stop

-Bepo, manners! - said Law trying to get him but Bepo kept skipping around you not letting him do it, this led to him bumping into you and almost making you fall, he managed to grab you by the waist to hold you

-This is too cliché for my liking- you said- but I can't complain- Law was fast to put you to your feet and scolded Bepo with his eyes


-It's okay, really- you said petting Bepo who had just sat next to you not even acknowledging Law's scolding

-I... I made this and I have some wine-he said nervous, he felt extremely weird, even stupid. How could he feel like that when he had been so cool with this before, was it because you were on his personal space or maybe something you were wearing?

-Oh Law- you said looking at the small display he had placed on the table, you caught him in a kiss before running to take a seat making his distracted mind get back in place- no one has ever done something like this for me

-That's because I'm a VIP experience- he said recovering his smugness and sitting as well- If you need more wine don't hesitate to tell me

-Thank you- you said- it's nice to have to some to talk about the are the first one who I told about

-Then I'm also lucky- he said sipping on his wine, it was awful. So much that he struggled not to gag, you sipped as well and got the same feeling, but you couldn't hide it you gave him a concerned look that made him look at the wine bottle- what is in this thing?

-It tastes like ashes... no offense- you said as you tried to wash the flavor with the food

-I guess I should've had tried first- he said picking the bottle and taking it away to return with glasses of water- I'm sorry for that

-Stop apologizing- you said- it can happen to anyone- you said almost chugging the glass of water as the taste was still there, Law did the same

Despite the awful accident with the wine that cause you to get there in the first place, you and Law actually had a nice dinner, well... Law, Bepo and you. It was so nice that Law didn't even remembered how tense he was before you arrived, he didn't even seem to care about you being there, he liked it. After dinner he even showed you around ending on his couch to keep talking.

-Is it Ms. Arifa? - he asked as he had been trying to guess the end of the book, you shook your head- I think I mentioned all the ones I can remember, is it a new character?

-I told you that even if you guessed right I wouldn't tell you- you said as he smirked before kissing you- not even for that- you said pulling him away- oh- you looked on your small purse- what is this!?

Law raised an eyebrow when you took a folder out of your purse. You gave it to him who opened it in confusion as there was only one page inside the folder. But it wasn't a normal page but one of the pages of your book, a copy, obviously but a page.

-A teaser- you said as he was fast to start reading it. You were happy, happy that he enjoyed what you had done, even if it wasn't the whole thing or your dream book. You felt, happy.

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