Chapter I

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 Law was about to lose his mind. He was one of the best doctors in the country and yet they didn't appreciate his hard work, he had saved a lot of people using his own techniques, but he couldn't save one's man life. The board of directors though his methods were reckless and negligent, even though they had proven to work before. So, because firing him will be a shame to their hospital, they punished him by making him work in the emergency department for a whole month, plus dealing with his normal surgeries. It had only been 3 days and he was about to crack. The nurses where highly incompetent trying to flirt in the middle of a patient treatment, the emergency department chief was a pain in the ass, and because now he worked next to Sachi and Penguin he had no peace at all

-Law I heard you did really good in your surgery- said one of the young nurses as he walked pass her, he just ignored her and kept walking to the breakroom. He usually didn't care not resting or eating for a long time, but it had been so long since he had a small break that he was just ignoring everything that was between him and that expresso machine. In the moment he got into the breakroom his eyes scanned every corner of the counter looking for the machine, but it was not there

-Is being repaired- said Sachi who was eating a nice sandwich next to Penguin. Even though Law couldn't stand them from time to time, they were the closest thing to a friend that Law had

-We bought you some coffee though, you look more exhausted than usually- Penguin offered him the plastic cup as he sat next to them, Law drank it slowly yet needy

-Thanks- he managed to say without taking his eyes from the cup

-You should have a small nap- Sachi said- you look like you're about to die- Law glanced at him and returned his gaze at the coffee with serious look- you know, you can always go to the "cave"- Law almost choked thinking about sleeping there

The "Cave" or dorm room was made for the workers of the hospital to rest in difficult situations or between turns, but, since he can remember that place is just somewhere people go to get laid, smoke or almost move in. He found that place disgusting, two doctors where currently settle in there like if they were living there so part of it was always a mess, you could sometimes smell body fluids and tobacco there and the chief of the emergency department was constantly there waking people up to put them to work, even when they weren't on their turn. Law slept one time there but was awakened by the sound of people kissing each other a little too much and couldn't go back again

-Why are you talking about Sachi?- said penguin hitting him slightly on the shoulder- that place is disgusting, even for you- Sachi hit him back- if you want to have a nice rest you should go to room 207, it's quiet there and no one ever goes there

-What's so especial about that room? - Sachi asked- you are always talking about how nice it is and how we should have lunch there- Law quietly listened

-It's just nice, you should totally go one day- he said biting Sachi's sandwich, like if his day couldn't get busier, Law's beeper went nuts, Law checked it and stud

-Surgery? - he nodded leaving the cup of coffee and walking away

-He is super cute; I want to be a nurse in one of his cases- said a nurse in the breakroom- maybe that way we he can ask me for a date

-You know, I can always take you for a date- said Sachi seductively overhearing the nurse's conversation, the nurse gave him a disgusted face

-Get lost Sachi

It took Law 5 hours to finish an open-heart surgery of an elder woman, this were the easy ones. He could be hours in the surgery room and the time would fly as he tried to do his best in big cases. But since he had started doing these small things to pay his mistake, something as simple as that would make him feel like he had spent days there. In fact he had being the past 3 days there, he was waiting till the emergency department chief would give him a green light to go home, the first day when he was about to leave he was blocking the exit and threatening him on telling the board of directors, which would have caused him staying more than a month in emergencies.

-Trafalgar- the chief had entered the surgery room where Law was removing his bloody scrubs and medical gloves- well done, you can leave after you help me with a surgery in 3 hours, be sure to rest a little, you look like a car hit you- Law nodded annoyed and cursed him under his breath when he left, still he felt relief knowing he would be sleeping in his own house soon.

He walked out of the surgery room and directed himself to the "cave". He wasn't even that close to the door when he heard loud noises coming from inside and in annoyance he turned back in his feet to the breakroom, maybe a nap in the sofa that was there would be enough. But when he got there a lot of nurses and doctors where there to his dismay. He eyed inside looking for Penguin who was luckily getting a snack from a vending machine

-Penguin-ya - he called him; Penguin turned to see an exhausted man- what did you said earlier about room 207?

Penguin slide the door with the number 207, it was calm and quiet if you ignored the heart monitor sound in the background. When they got inside Law understood why it was so quiet, a young lady with messy H/C laid in the hospital chair. For what he could see in his expedient in the feet of her bed, she was in a comatose state. Law gave Penguin an intensive look demanding an answer.

-What? - he said but Law just raised a brow- oh, her... she's been here for some time, got in a car crash and hasn't woke up yet

-I can see that- Law said ironically- why do you come here?

-Well I change her meds and I figured out that no one comes to visit her so it's a nice place to stay- Law eyed some comics under the patient's bed, obviously of Penguin. He looked around the room and spotted the room chair with some cushions- there's a blanket under that counter if you want too

-For how long have you been doing this? - Law asked out of pure curiosity, he hadn't notice Penguin missing a day or not being working in his turn, it was surprising to know he had made a small break room from himself there and no one had noticed

-Like a month after she got interned... so, more or less 8 months- Penguin looked at the sleeping girl- isn't she cute? she looks so angelical, like she's sleeping- Law couldn't help but to look at the girl, now that she looked at her more properly, she was cute. Cute. He repeated that word in his mind before dismissing it completely- I'll leave you to rest a little bit- Penguin said heading out.

Law looked at the door getting closed and then his watch, he could sleep a good 45-minute nap and eat something before preparing himself for surgery. His gaze met her face again. Maybe out of curiosity or mere impulse, he looked again at her file at the bottom of her bed and looked for her name

-"Y/N Y/LN"-

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