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Drying his dirty blonde locks that grew slivers long each day, Jisung wasn't necessarily paying attention to where he was walking. His head was tilted downwards, while his eyes stay glued to the slippery tiles that created the same patting noise with each step he took. The white towel he used to wipe away any excess droplets dangled from the sides of his head, making most of his view almost unseeable. So with the lack of attention to his surroundings, it was almost natural that he accidently collides with someone or something else. It just so happened that at this moment it was a person; but it wasn't necessarily Jisung slamming chest to chest with another. Instead it was just two shoulders smacking into one another with enough force for Jisung to go stumbling back.

The fluffy towel he had loosely held in his grasp slipped to the ground and soaked up any amounts of water that managed to be lying around at the time. The blonde on the other hand with an unsteady balance held panic in his dull eyes, all while gravity continued to pull him down; it ending with such an aggressive impact. Instead of falling onto the cold and hard ground, he was forced into the navy blue metal swim lockers. Lockers that were built and placed inside the public building for anyone who felt unsure about their items being safe out and in the open. And with them being made out of such bruising material, Jisung couldn't help but wince and then hiss at the handle being dug into the crevice of his back. He also managed to slam his head against the lockers, a small headache already circulating where the connection was made. One of his small hands went to his back while the other gently went to reach and rub at his aching head.

Even with the constant sound of his heartbeat ringing in his ears, he could still hear the faint sound of chuckles and laughs. He could still hear voices mumbling words before laughter had erupted and echoed in the averagely sized changing room. Jisung groaned before opening his eyes and flicking his attention to whoever dared laugh at him but not ask if he was okay. But upon seeing who was acting inhumane, his gaze tightened and he was forgetting all about his pain, now fuming with anger.

"What the hell Seungmin!?" He removed himself from off the lockers and took precautionary steps towards the obviously taller male who had a wicked grin presented on his face. Behind him were two of his friends that acted more like followers than anything.

"Next time watch where you're going. It's not my fault that you bumped into me" The taller male had snickered yet again while taking a glance at his friends as if to tell them to laugh along. It wasn't even a few seconds before they were following orders. Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" Jisung scoffed. "Next time have some decency and at least ask if I'm hurt or not" He grabbed his old duffel bag and pushed through the small group. His shift was finally over for the day and he couldn't wait to go home. Except now instead of practicing a new dance routine, he will have to relax and calm his wounds. "Big body ass bitch..."

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