"Even if how small the nail is, don't give it importance and the foundation of the house will fall. Even if you can't see the air, let it be gone and death will face us all."
I pouted as I see the first notification for the week.
They really won't go easy on me.
I didn't really thought of anything about these since the first day, but I think it's trying to notify me or tell me about something.
I grabbed my diary from the side table and opened it from the very back. "Thank God it's still here."
"The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come." (Chapter 4)
"If you put a pot, full of water in a fire and keep opening it's lid to check, it won't boil easily.
But if you just let it in the fire, it would boil in no time." (Chapter 7)"The flow of the story is in the palm of your hands. making right decisions is always important. As you manage to do the right thing today, will you be able to make a right decision tomorrow?" (Chapter 10)
"Time will stop when the time has come, like how everything have their deadline. When a person went back in their home, will everything be just fine?" (Chapter 12)
Fanfiction그때 너희가 없었다면 If you are not there then, 외딴 섬 같던 우리가 would we, who were just like a lonely island 밝게 빛날 소 있었을까 shine as bright as now? 다시만나 See you there again, 2012년 처음 만난 그 자리에서. Where we first met on 2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...