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A/N: ^that's how I imagine Grace's house, but feel free to use your own imagination!

My name is Grace Wallace. I live in Finchley, London. No you stupid, they're all going to be from Finchley.

Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Grace. Too plain. Anyone would be uninterested in that.

Hullo! No.

Lovely weather we're having? No Grace, it's raining.

By Jove, Grace thought. This was much harder than she anticipated. Everyone gets first day nerves. It's normal. I'm normal. Grace took a last peek at herself in the mirror through the curtain of her hair.

"Presentable enough, I guess." She grumbled to herself as she heaved her full luggage from her room, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. Her mother swarmed her the minute her foot touched the tile.

"Oh Darling, are you sure you're alright walking to the station? I could drive you, or we could walk together? I could wave you off from the platform, love. You don't have to go alone." Her mother fussed, tucking Grace's thick auburn hair behind her ear, patting her head and pulling her uniform tight. Grace flinched.

"No mum, I've already told you, I'm alright. I'm sixteen for pete's sake. I think I can walk a couple blocks by myself. And I've ridden a train before, too. Please don't fuss." She quickly untucked her hair as she assured her mother of her safety. Her mother gave a doubtful glance, but left the matter alone nonetheless. Grace snatched a piece of toast from the counter and munched quietly. She made sure to avoid getting jam on her uniform. The older woman busied herself with making tea and biscuits. The tea whistled, pulling Grace from her breakfast. She noticed the time and her eyes widened a bit.

"The train leaves in twenty minutes mum, I should get going." Grace finished her toast quickly and wiped the remaining crumbs from her fingers to her skirt. She grabbed her hat and her satchel and turned to her mother, who was standing with tears in her eyes. "Oh mum, I'll be fine! I'll make sure to write plenty and I'll be back for the holidays. I'm gong to boarding school, not getting married!" The girl's heart ached for her mother, she knew the apartment would be lonely and still without her in it. The woman may be overbearing at times, but Grace loved her mother dearly. She gripped her tightly and smiled when they parted from the hug. Her mother nodded, and spoke quietly.

"Your father would be so proud of you, my Grace."

The girl nodded, tears beginning to prick her own eyes. "I know mum. I miss him too. But I really really should get going. Dad can't be proud if I miss the train." Her mother laughed, nodding and swiping her tears that had fallen.

"Of course, of course. Scurry on then, off you go. Be careful not to lose your satchel, I've packed you a lunch in there. Alright dear, Goodbye, I love you. I'll see you soon." Grace let out a deep breath before pivoting from the stairs she had just descended. And off we go.

The city's bustling noises distracted Grace momentarily, but her thoughts soon returned to her previous dread of the upcoming events. This was her first year attending boarding school. Not because she was a first year student, no, this year would have been her third, had she not been homeschooled for the previous 6 years. Grace wasn't very used to people. She only ever had her family to keep her company, and she had even lost half of them. She had been homeschooled since the loss of her father and younger brother, Simon. The very little friends she had before then surely disappeared soon after.

Grace readjusted her satchel on her shoulder and squirmed. Something just didn't feel right. She had the gut feeling she gets. Like a rock had been shoved down her throat and now sat in her stomach, weighing her down. It was the same gut feeling she got the night she lost her family, and the day her mother informed her she would be returning to school this year. She tried to shake it off and continued her walk. It's just nerves. Awful heavy nerves. Grace thought. She turned back to her grim walk, one foot in front of the other.

Right, left, right, left. Step, step, jump. Grace giggled as her feet began to prance along the street. She closed her eyes, and imagined a deep beat that led her feet in an intricate dance. The concrete crunched below her, almost groaning at the pace she was leaping down the streets. Grace continued around the corner of a small market, and she stopped her dancing as people passed. She resumed once they were out of sight. Her head lifted towards the sky, embracing the rain droplets for a bit. The sky is so far.

Then suddenly, the sky grew farther and farther, until there was only black.

A/N: helllooo:)) first chapter in the book, yay!

Please please please comment on this! Give me feedback on how you like the chapters, suggest anything that you think the book needs, critique (kindly please) what I have, anything! I have big plans for this plot and I'm very excited! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, and I'll see you another time!

much luv, meg<3

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