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The following day, there was a magnificent parade. The Pevensies, Narnians, Grace, and Caspian rode throughout the city, all glowing. Some Telmarine children hopped and skipped along with them, throwing flower petals and giggling with the Narnians. There was praise from every direction. Women and men leaned from their windows to get a glimpse at their saviors. The city was rejoiced with the new peace that had settled among their home. After the parade was a mouthwatering feast. Everyone ate happily, recalling their times spent together in the How, dancing, and drinking. Not a soul in the castle had a grim thought during the occasion. After the feast had been devoured, cleaned, and taken away, Caspian brought all of his friends to a courtyard. It was a large, empty space behind the castle, and it was very peaceful. There were trees scattered along the green hills, and the Narnians dispersed to lounge under them. Grace stood in the open air, chatting away with some centaurs. Her face was radiating as she laughed with her friends, fumbling with her necklace as she did so. She hadn't taken it off since the moment Amathus handed it to her. Edmund walked up to the group, greeting the centaurs and turning to Grace.

"May I steal you for a bit?" He smiled lightly at her and she nodded, waving a goodbye to the centaurs. Edmund grabbed her hand and led her to a cherry blossom tree. He sat underneath it and patted the grass next to him. Grace carefully sat, making sure not to get any dirt on the dress that Caspian had loaned her from the castle. She turned to Edmund.

"What's up?" Her eyes glimmered under the stars, and Edmund's breath was caught in his throat. He cleared it and turned so he was facing her completely.

"I just realized..ya know, I had never asked you officially." He spoke softly, but loud enough to be heard over the other conversations. Grace tilted her head.

"Ask me what?" She smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. She just wanted the words to come from him. Edmund looked to his lap, then back up to her face.

"To be mine." His cheeks darkened as he scratched the back of his neck. Grace leaned forward a bit, smirking.

"Then ask." He smiled, and grabbed her hands.

"Grace Posey Wallace, will you do me the honors," He began, talking poshly. His smile softened as he reached the last part. "and be mine." Grace smiled widely and nodded.

"I would love to, King Edmund." She accented the king dramatically, and Edmund shook his head, reaching to her sides and tickling her. She squealed loudly, rolling over and away from Edmund. Her priority to keep the dress clean was long forgotten as she couldn't help but to beam at the king across from her. Edmund caught her quickly, spinning her around until she was trapped in his arms. Their noses were nearly touching, and they leaned in slowly.

"Oh Edmund, does this mean you've finally asked her? You said yes, didn't you?" Their moment was interrupted by the youngest Pevensie bounding towards them. They pulled apart quickly and laughed. Susan and Peter huffed behind the young girl.

"Yes, Lu. I did say yes. But it's not as if it were a marriage proposal!" She giggled as Lucy sat down besides her. Peter and Susan plopped themselves down with the three, and Edmund huffed.

"I guess it's a bloody party now isn't it." Grace heard his grumbling and laughed, and leaned back into his chest. She looked up to him. 

"It's alright Ed. We have all the time in the world." She smiled. He nodded, burying his head into her hair. His arms wrapped her waist and the couple sighed in content. Susan spoke.

"Oh look, they seem to be starting the fireworks! How wonderful!" The group all turned their gazes to the sky, and sure enough, colors began to explode among the stars. The five sat together, enjoying the fireworks and gathering for what seemed like days and weeks. By the time Grace had made it back to her room, it was the early hour of morning. She had just changed into her nightgown when there was a quiet knock on her door. She opened the door slowly, and raised her eyebrows at her unexpected guest.

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