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Grace stumbled as the ground beneath her shook. Catapults flung large stones at the army. Luckily the aim was terrible, and no lives were lost from the first shots. The Telmarine army marched forward, and Susan instructed the archers to the ready. Peter turned to Caspian, who nodded and rode his horse into the How. He made his way to the troops of Narnians waiting underground. He then turned to Grace.

"Grace!" he shouted over the destruction. She whipped her head to look to him. "You have to keep the promise too. You have to come back to us, out of this!" His face was sorrowful. He saw the girl as his sister, and he hated when his family was in danger. She gave him a small but determined smile.

"I promise, Pete!" Caspian finally reached the Narnians under the How.

"Narnians, charge!" The group followed behind the prince, battle cries and screams echoing among the walls. A horn bellowed, and Peter began the count.

"One, two.." Grace shifted her hold on her daggers.

"Three, four.." Caspian held his torch high as he galloped through the tunnels.

"Five, six.." Susan shouted to the archers, "Take your aim!"

"Seven, eight.." The Telmarines drew nearer. "Get ready!" Peter screamed.

"Nine.. ten!" Caspian shouted to the Narnians, and together, they striked the pillars. The cavern came crumbling down. The Narnian troops expertly moved around the damage, riding the edges of the tunnel. Two dwarves released a hatch which opened ramps, allowing the troops to come above ground again to surround the Telmarines and attack the ones who hadn't fallen into the destruction.

"Now!" Susan ordered the archers. Silent as the wind, the arrows flew through the air, landing on the Telmarines in the pit. What ones didn't fall soon met their fate as they climbed and fought with the Narnians above. Peter pointed his sword forward, and more battle cries were heard.

"Charge!" Edmund mounted a horse, swinging his sword and taking out Telmarines. Grace whipped her daggers around, ending Telmarines left and right. Her hair flew into her eyes and mouth, and her armor was soon splattered crimson. Peter and Caspian stood along side each other and fought. After defeating dozens of Telmarines, Peter looked up to the troops. It seemed that thousands more soldiers appeared from thin air. The gryphons screeched above, holding their archers as they flew over the army. A few were taken down by flying spears. Peter turned to Susan. They both held fear in their eyes.

"Lucy?" He asked. Susan read his lips and searched the battlefield. The girl hadn't returned. She shook her head at him.

"Back to the How!" Peter shouted. His troops ran towards their base.

"Cut off their escape!" Lord Sopespian instructed his troops. Catapults were launched towards them. This time, the aim was not so terrible. One landed on the edge of the rocks. Well there goes the dining hall. Grace thought. The next boulder landed right at the intended target. The entrance collapsed, and the few Narnians who were under the doorway with it. The whole building shook.

"Brace yourselves!" Susan screamed as some trees came crumbling down. She lost her footing, and slipped from the perch. Luckily, Trumpkin caught her hand. He was able to swing her to a lower level and she landed with an "umph." She quickly climbed down the rubble and ran in line with the rest. Peter, Caspian, Susan, Grace, and Edmund stood in line, weapons held offensively.

Lord Sopespian smiled at their small army. "Crush them all." He muttered sweetly. The five ran towards the fight, denting the army as best they could. Grace was surrounded by Telmarines. She sliced down two, only to turn and see three more. Her heart pounded as she remembered her promise she had made to each of the Pevensies at some point. I'll come back to you. Her pulse hammered within her veins as she kicked another Telmarine. As more and more came for her, Grace heard a distinct sound. A roar. Her body was filled with a new sort of strength. She quickly finished off her opponents and turned to Susan, who was fighting alongside her. She looked discouraged. Had she not heard the sound? Edmund, a couple metres behind them, looked to Grace. Telmarines threw blow after blow to him, and his arms were feeling weak. Before he could finish his next opponent though, the ground began to rumble once again. The three teens looked behind the How, soon joined by the gaze of Caspian and Peter. Trees seemingly..walked! They were approaching the battlefield, taking out whole regiments of Miraz's army at a time. Peter turned to his siblings, smiling.

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