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Edmund set his bags down on the stone floor quickly, before plopping himself down on the bench, his muscles groaning at the rough movements.

"You're welcome." He huffed at his brother, who lay slumped on the other side of his sister Lucy. He snapped back.

"I had it sorted" Edmund rolled his eyes at this. Of course he did, in a fight of 3-1, with guys double his size. Whatever.

"What was it this time?" The eldest sister, Susan questioned her brother, disappointment lacing her words. Peter stood up and paced, clearly aggravated.

"He bumped me." He had stopped walking, and faced his siblings. The youngest's eyebrows furrowed together, and she spoke.

"So you hit him?" Lucy was scared. Not of her brother, of course. She could never fear Peter. She feared what he was becoming. Ever since they returned to England, he was different. His fuse was much shorter, and fights were not uncommon with the boy. 

"No, after he bumped me, he tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him." The sisters both shook their head, whilst Ed just stared at the ground.

"Really, is it that hard just to walk away?" Susan practically scolded. An anger started to rise in Peter.

"I shouldn't have to! I mean don't you ever get tired of being treated like kids?" His head shook lightly and he tugged on his tie.

"Um, we are kids?" Edmund decided to join the conversation again. Peter scoffed at him.

"Well, I wasn't always." Susan, Lucy, and Edmund all shared knowing glances at Peter's words. He slid in between his siblings. "It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" Lucy grabbed her brother's hand comfortingly as Susan retorted.

"I think it's time we accept that we live here now. It's no use pretending any different." She crossed her arms and slouched, looking around the platform. Her eyes grew wide. She turned to her siblings hurriedly.

"Pretend that you're talking to me." She rushed out. Her siblings gave her questioning looks.

"We are talking to you." Edmund leaned forward. Susan was about to make a smart reply when the youngest stood up with a yelp.

"Ow!" she exclaimed. Susan looked behind her to make sure the commotion hadn't drawn the attention of the geek she was trying to avoid.

"Quiet Lu!" Lucy turned to her sister and pointed accusingly at the bench.

"Something pinched me!" She was joined in her stand as Peter also lifted himself from the bench with a proclamation.

"Ed, stop pulling!" Edmund raised his hands with an offended look on his face. He hadn't touched his brother at all. Before he could defend himself, he too felt a poke in his side. Susan lept up with him. Their howls of pain were drowned out by the train speeding by. Lucy managed to make her voice heard over it.

"It feels like magic!" Susan nodded, instructing each sibling to connect hands. With some protest from Edmund, the siblings stood together on the platform, interlocked with one another. The shooting train hurtled past the group, and Lucy flinched at the abuse of her eardrums. Although with the noise came a wondrous view. If one looked closely through the windows of the passing train, you could see the walls.. Peeling away! A blue sky lied behind, with mountains and a body of water. Soon enough, the whole station had given way, and the train zoomed off into nothing. All four children, stepping wearily, turned to see the great ocean. Lucy stepped forward slowly and turned to her sister. Knowing grins were shared before the two shot off into the water, leaving a trail of their uniforms. Peter laughed heartily and shoved his brother back, giving himself a headstart in the race to the fun. Edmund wasn't too far behind.

The siblings strided into the water joyously, giggling and shouting. Their clothes clung to them as they submerged themselves and each other. Edmund paused his splashing to look at his surroundings. Confusion filled him.

"Ed! Ed?" The family called after him, but his gaze never left the mountain. "What is it?"

"Where do you suppose we are?" He finally questioned. Peter laughed. 

"Where do you think?" Edmund nodded, still unsure.

"Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia." The rest of the siblings followed his gaze, and sure enough, ruins of what looked like a once elegant structure stood upon the cliff. Edmund ran his hand through his tousled hair, and a thought was shared throughout the group. How long has it been since they left?

A/N: hi i know this is boring and you might've read this scene a billion times but I had it get it out, I promise the next chapters will start getting unique! Thank you for your patience honeys:)

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