HI!! another fanfic?

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sooo i've kind of been writing another Edmund fanfic because i have literally nothing better to do

it's a golden age fic, so it's kind of like more at the time of Horse and His Boy (the third book in the Chronicles of Narnia series, for those that don't know) timeline, during the Pevensie's reign.

I dunno if i should actually post it here, but would you all like to see that? i feel like i've written too many Edmund fics already, hehe.

please please please comment and let me know if you'd be interested in reading it!! i'll post the first part of my first chapter for a little looksie

love you all so much,

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I have a question..
I might seem strange.
How are your lungs? Are they in pain?
'Cause mine are aching,
Think I know why.
I kinda like it though,
You wanna try?
Oh would you be so kind as to.. Agh!

The beautiful lyrics of the song were quickly cut off as the girl singing them clutched at her eyes. She rubbed them feverishly, but the burn only intensified. Reaching down blindy, the teenager felt for the shower knob and quickly turned it until the water slowed to a drip. Had she not been clawing at the shower curtain and the pain from her eyes been travelling to her head, she would have noticed that the music had been cut off from her phone, too. She squinted as best as she could as her arms flailed hopelessly in search of her towel. Once she had finally touched the surprisingly fluffy material, she instantly brought it to her face and rubbed her sore eyes with it.

I guess Mom washed this recently, I don't remember it being so soft. The girl thought as she finally rid her face of the pain and wrapped the towel around her shivering body. When she finally opened her eyes, the girl nearly toppled over.

"This is not my bathroom." She said aloud. Her red and still watering eyes roamed the room, taking in the new surroundings. She turned back to the tub she had just stumbled out of and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Instead of the yellowing and warm shower she had stepped into nearly forty minutes ago, there was a brilliant white tub that looked almost.. medieval. Turning back once again, the brunette sighed in relief as she spotted her very oversized hoodie, undergarments, and shorts piled on the toilet she had placed before her shower. She almost lunged for them, drying herself off lazily and tugging them on. She rubbed the towel through her hair and wiped down her face. Dude, this isn't even my towel! She realized. Where the hell am I? Her soft and still moist feet padded through the tiled bathroom in search of answers. Her shaky hand reached out and pulled on the heavy wooden door that blocked her from the rest of the room she was in. Her jaw dropped down to the puddles on the bathroom floor as she took in the room she had entered. Somehow expecting she would still walk into her carpeted hallway at home, she was once again surprised to see a large, no, huge room with a beautiful red king sized bed in the center.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked herself as she ran her hand along the giant wardrobe that sat on one wall of the room and walked towards the open balcony near it. She had half of a foot on the concrete floor when a knock at her door interrupted. The girl's eyes widened and she searched the room cautiously, looking for anything to defend herself with. I have no clue where I am, or how I got here. Who knows who's on the other side of that door. Her still trembling hands quickly found a brass candlestick and grabbed it tightly, holding it defensively with two hands.

"C-Come in!" She said, scowling as she stuttered. Her heartbeat quickened as the heavy knob began twisting and the door creaked open. She furrowed her eyebrows when a girl, probably younger than herself, walked in. The even more confusing thing was the girl's attire. She wore a flowing purple dress, with gold accents and pearls along it. Her auburn hair was pulled into a loose updo, one that the dripping girl did not recognize from her time period. Perhaps the most confusing thing was the silver tiara resting on her head.

"Lady Cordelia? What on earth are you doing with that candlestick? And what, by Aslan, are you wearing?" The girl spoke, putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head. The hooded girl slowly raised the brass and stood up straighter, now in a much less defensive stance.

"Lady Cordelia? I don't know who that is."

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