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Jungkook let out a heavy sigh while massaging his temples. He's at work, but his mind is flying elsewhere. For hours now he did nothing but type on his laptop and do his reports. But after a few minutes, he suddenly remembers Jimin from the last time he drove him home. He will then stop typing and unconsciously forms his hand into a fist.

It bothers him so much that he can't even focus on the cases he has at the moment. And it frustrates him more that he cant work on his lover's case right away... well at least at work he cant...

He doesn't have enough data to do anyway. For now, all he has are the CCTV footage he copied days ago and the copy of the logbook. He's been re-watching the videos and re-scanning the list but he can't find any clue who left the letter at Jimin's doorstep.

Of course for some people, it would be a lot easier to ask for other's help. But for some reasons he doesn't want anyone from his team to know about it for now, so he decided that he will only investigate the case at his home. He thinks its better for him to work alone.

Besides, the others are also busy with ongoing cases and paperwork, he doesn't want to bother them with another one.

It's my problem so I'll be the one to solve it

He took a deep breath. His head is throbbing. It's out of his style to stress out, but with this kind of cases that someone he likes was involved, he can't seem to calm his self down.

What's more concerning is that he has an idea who did it. And if he was correct, he probably knows the reason too, this puts Jimin into a more dangerous situation.

But he can't just confront him nor barge in his house without concrete shreds of evidence. He works with the law now, so he better be careful no matter what action or decision he makes. Or else everything he worked for will go to waste...

"Careful now... I knew someone who died by not blinking for days out of stress"

A female voice cut through the middle of his thoughts. He looked up and saw his female colleague smiling at him.

He smiled back saying, "That's an odd way to die, Lisa-ssi... I feel sorry for your friend"

Lisa snorted, not catching the sarcasm in Jungkook's tone.

"Pabo-ya? It was clearly a joke..." His colleague named Lisa said, moving closer to take a look at Jungkook's laptop.

"What are you so serious about anyway? It's not like you're handling 20 cases one at a time" She joked, pulling a chair from another table to sit beside Jungkook.

"Oh he is alright..."

Another voice spoke from behind Jungkook making the two of them look back.

"He's so busy that he didn't eat lunch with the team again" He continued, slightly poking Jungkook's side with his pen and eyeing him with meaningful eyes.

Lisa leaned back, moving her gaze from their other colleague to Jungkook, who gives them a look like its no big deal.

"The teams really gonna be upset with you, Jeon..." Lisa started, "They'll probably misunderstand since you just got acknowledge by the boss again two weeks ago"

Jungkook sighed before turning around to face his only friends at work.

"I'll eat with you guys and the team next time... I don't care about whatever they think, I'm really just busy... Mianhae Seokmin-ah..." He defended, batting the man named Seokmin an apologetic look.

"You're not the type to skip meals even with full hands" Seokmin stated, which Lisa agreed on with a nod. "What's the matter?"

That question made him think of Jimin and his situation, but he's not gonna tell them that. Not until he clears every suspicion he has in mind and gathers every evidence he needed.

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