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Monty's pov


Finally the hour of horror is over. I sight deep as we wal out of the room. "So are you planning to tell me what you told to mr. Robintson, because it's a miracle he let me in the lesson." I say and look curious at Sophie. She does as if she didn't hear me and i don't even exist, so i decide to jump in front of her so she has to stop. "Okay, but promise me you won't get mad." She says holding up her pinky. It can't be that bad so i decide to accept it. "I promise." I say. "Well i told him that you were on youre way to the buss but slipped in some dog shit." (Very weird i know don't ask...😂) she says. I can't help it and start lauging. "How..    haha c-can i gettt   hahaha mad at you with that haha storyy..??!!" I ask while still dying from laughter, how did she even get that story. At least it worked. I look over at Sophie and see a fake sad look on her face. "Ahwww.." i say and hug her.

¤after school¤

Me and Sophie decided to hang out after school, it's basically something we do always, we only have to decide where were going. Right now we're sitting on her bed and ofcoure she is on her phone again. She always was kind of addicted to her phone, but lately it's even more and it really starts to ennoy me. So i decide to throw a pillow at her.

"Hey, whats that for!?" She asks with barelly looking up from her phone. Now i'm really annoyed. "Well maybe it's because lately you act like i ain't even here you're on your phone the hole damn time." I quitely shout out. Ohw shit i see immediatly a change in her eyes. I really didn't mean too hurt her i just wanted to get it out of the way. "I'm sorry." She says. "No i'm sorry. I had no right to shout at you like that." I tell her. "No, it's no problem you are right, but there is this this really hot boy....." before she could even finish her sentence I interrupt her. "YOU HAVE A BOY AND YOU KEPT HIM FROM MEE!!?" I shout. To be honest i'm kinda of hurt i thought we always told eachother everything. "Oh no it's not like that i'll never get him look he is from TikToks and has more than 2 million followers." She says while she show me a video from a boy with make up on wich makes him look like a clown. Damn he is hot i. "Hot am i right?" Shopie asks. "Euhmm.... jeah is that even a question anymore." I say.


After almost 2 hour of watching his TikToks and finding out that his name is sebby, well is name is apperently Sebastian or Sebb but i like Sebby way more. He is 20 and single, but he is straight though so that is a bummer. it's time for me to go home. "You know you can stay and eat here right." She says. "Jeah, i know. But i promissed my mom i'd be home for dinner because Jefrey is back home." I tell her. "Oh, okay. Tell him i said hi." She says. "Will do." I say and walk out of her room.

"Goodbye misses Wilson." I say as i walk to the door. "Goodbye." She says. She is literally is the sweetest.

As i walk into the garden i can already see that the table is set. Just in time i think as i walk in to the house. Once i set on step in the house someone jumps on me and screams "BOOO." Ofcourse thats one thing i didn't miss of Jefrey being in college. He alwayd trys to scare me and most of the time it works but i totally hate it. "Did you miss me." He says with as he looks at me with his puppy dog eyes. "No." I say harsh back, it's fake though. I did miss him, except him always scaring me its a lot quieter at home since he is like the most energetic person there is on the earth.  Thats one thing we have in common, once i get settled around people and know i can trust them i am a hyper ball and at some moments even too crazy to handle. Most of the close people around me learnt to deal with it. Jefrey on the other hand is like always hyper i can't believe he is never tired, he may be almost 20 but he is still a little kid. I actually can't believe he survived the first 2 months of living on his own in a dormroom. I'm zoning out and than i see Jefrey jumping up and down in front of me like a 5 year old kit who just got a new nerf gun. "So you say you really didn't miss me?" He asks again while holding his hand up. I know excactly what he is going to do if i say no again so i just say 'yes' and he pulls me into a hug. "I missed you too little broski." He says to me. Even though he is verry irratating most of the time, we have a very strong bond.

"Sooo, monty." Jefrey begins as i just want to get started with my dessert. Jefrey has been talking all the time, wich i realltly didn't mind. That meant that all the attention was to him and i could quitely anjoy my dinner and daydream a bit. "Jeah." I say with a little tone of irritation in my voice. "You can also try to talk normal for once he is youre brother wich you haven't seen in 2 month show some respect." My father begins. I may have a verry good bond with my mom and the rest of the family, i don't have one with my father. Well we used too, until i came out. He doesn't admit it and he dmsays he didn't change and still loves me like before in his eyes i always do something wrong. "Oh, it's no problem i just wanted to adk if he already had a girlfriend, or boyfriend ofcourse i don't mind." He says with a little smirk on his face. I can't help but to think abkut Sebby, he'll never be my boyfriend but a boy can dream right? I decide to just ask stupid. "Nope i don't." I say. "Ahww, you can pick anyone on this earth but you still don't have anybody." He says teasing. I know he is joking so i decide to laugh along. "Well he can pick anybody he like but the otherone also has to like him and i doubt anyone will ever do that." My father says. 'Ouch' that hurts, i feel a mix of anger and sadness come up in me and try to push it down and just stare at my bowl with icecream hopong there won't come any tears. I quickely look up at Jefrey and see some pity and also anger in his eyes. He quickly changes the topic and i try to eat the last of my icecream but i can't get it trough my troath. Wich is weird because i love icecream and most of the time is cheers me up. It doesn't work this time, he just really hurt me.


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