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Sebb's pov

Monty: wow i just really didn't excpect you to dm me.
Sebb: jeah i'm just bored, but you already know a lot about me, but i don't know much about you, like who you are or how you got to know me.

I'm just really curious about him. I would just like to get to know him. He seems to be a really nice guy. I immediatlyget a respond back.

Monty: well it's thanks trough my friend that i got to know you and since than i've been following you because you just really seem cool to me and i really like you're TikToks.
Sebb: thats cool. Did she also tell you to buy the tickets??😂
Monty: kind of, she told me about it but j also wanted to go.

So he wanted to see me himself. It's not just because he is nice and just joins his friend.

Sebb: well tell me something abt you.
Sebb: if you want i don't want to presure you..
Monty: oh i don't mind.
Monty: well i'm Monty, thats not my real namd though, im 17 years old i'm in highschool and i'm bisexual.

He is bisexual. Not that i have any problems with that. I actually have one friends who are bi, Lily. "SEBB YOU COMING DOWN TO EAT." I hear someone screaming from downstairs. "Jeah coming." I scream back and grab my charger and head down stairs.

"Yoo, you having a secret girlfriend in you're phone.?" Kt asks as she's waving her hand in my face. All the time i've been chatting to Monty. He is a really cool dude. "U-uh. No." I say and i feel my cheeks turning a bit red. I don't even know why. "Oehhh... you havveee.....!" Lily screams. "No, it's just a friend and i it's a boy by the way." I say. "Well a boyfriend is also possible." Lily says. Jeah it may be possible but not with me.

I didn't get much more comments about who i was chatting with. We decided to make a movie night. Kt, Lily and i are in charge of the snacks and the drinks so we are now getting ready to go to the shop. "How far is it to the shop?" Lily asks. "Around 5 minutes, it's pretty close." Kt says.

"What do we all need." I ask as we are in the shop just wandering around. "Just some snacks and drinks." Kt says. She has sort of the shopping list on her phone.

We're know at the check out with about half a full shopping kart. I think we did a pretty good job. Now we still have to go home with almost 6 bags of stuff. "How are we gonna get all if this home." Kt asks, as if she's reading my mind. I look over at Lily and see her also looking with big eyes at al the bags. "Can't we just take the shopping kart with us?". I ask. I think it's a pretty good idea, so we don't have to lift everything. "Are we allowed to do that." Kt asks. I don't really know actually, but it's not like they are missing just one kart. We can just secretly take it, as if we are just going to put them in the kart and than just walk home, and it's bot as if we're stealing it we are taking it back at porbably the end of the week or maybe even earlier. "Well they probably won't even notice and we'll bring it back." I say. "Jeah, you're right ." Lily says. So there we go. On our way to the AirBnB with our 6 bags of snacks and drinks and some other stuff for some breakfast tommorrow ofcourse.

After a walk we get to the AirBnB. We open the door and it's totally dark. On the ground there lay pillows and blankets. "It looks beautifull in here." Lily says.

We get the table and stall some of the drinks and snacks on there. I'm really excited... It's a really good start for a amazing week. Ican't wait whats going to come the rest if the week.


Living In A Dream🧚🏽‍♂️ (Mebby BxB)Where stories live. Discover now