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Monty's pov

5 more days, just one schoolweek to go. Today november the 11th. This weekend it's finally there. Winter In The City.

Sebb's pov

I'm so excited this weekend is Winter In The City. With the rest of the group we decided to already meet today and stay in an Airbnb. I can't wait. I have to catch my train at 14.14 pm so i'll be there around 15.45pm. I take a look at my phone and see that it is only 11 in the morning. I can't wait anymore i'm too excited. Lets just go on TikTok to kill the time and scroll trough my comments for a bit.

*seeing you in 6 days🧚🏽‍♂️💜*

I see on my most recent post it's from monty, it's the guys from insta. I decide to take a look on his account and see that he has 1 video, i gi and check it out.

'Wow he can dance pretty good' i think in myself. They way he moves.

I'm still bored, i have totaly nothing to do than ti wait till i have to go. So i just decide to go live.

Monty's pov

We've just finished math and now i have a free period, but Sophie has chemistry. Thats probably gonna be some dead ass long 50 minutes.

I'm 10 minutes in as i see a notification pop up in my phone.

*sebbyjonn started a live video*

Immediatly my hearts skips and i join. There he is he looks so good. He already has 400 viewers. Damn he really is famous. 

Sebb's pov

Immediatly people start to join the live. 

Why do go live now i have school

Oh, jeah. shit i totaly forgot that most of my fans are teens who are still in school. And since it's 12 in the morning on a monday most of them have less. I see more people commenting that they are in school and my views go down. So that wasn't that good of a plan. 

Within 5 minute i have less than 75 viewers left. 

''So how are you guys?'' I ask. I've decided to just make the best of it to kill the time.

"i'm good, just bored, how are you?''

Is one of the comments i see. ''i'm good, just verry excited for this weekend.......'' i say looking for the persons name to let them know i'm talking to that person. ...... Monty.... He is in my live, i don't know why but my hart skipped a beat. I really don't know why. I don't even know him, and he is a boy. I'm so confused.

Jeah me too, i can't wait. 'Monty'

''So you are also comming to WInter in the city.'' I ask and just play stupid.

I'm alsost 30 minutes live and still chatting with Monty, most of the viewers already left. Probably because they all have a lesson. It's been realy nice chatting to Monty. We've talkes about everything and nothing. I'm actually really surprised he doesn't have any lessons to go to. 'Maybe he already graduated, because he's olders than some other people here'. I just decided to ask him.

''So Monty, don't you have any lessons to follow? Or are you secretly on you're phone during class?'' I ask.

No, i have a free period right know and after that i have a break. So i still have about 40 minutes left.''  He responded.

I quickley check the time and see that it's 11.50am. So he'll have until 12.30pm. Ahw than i'll still have about an hour until i have to go. 

After another 30 minutes i decide to get off so he'll also have 10 minutes for himself. I say goodbye to everyone and end the live. It was a really nice chat, but sadly it was mostly about TikTok and other stuff, i really would like to get to know HIM better. I don't know why, i guess i can just really use a friend right now. Maybe you wouldn't believe me but i have almost none real friend even though i'm famous, i don't go to school or college anymore and i don't really have contact with my high school friend anymore. Of course i have the UK squad, but we've never met, we've only chatted online so we don't really now eachother really, except for KT, we grow almost up together. 

Than i just decided to just be bald and dm Monty on TikTok. My head said no, but i couldn't really stop my hands.

Sebb: Hii Monty, it's me Sebb. I had a very nice chat with you on the live.

It's been about 5 minutes and i still haven't got a response, i already regret what i've done and wanted to delete my message but just in time i realise that he probably just in his class is, since it's 12.40pm now. I decide to give it some time. 

Monty's pov

It's monday, so that means that today isn't the longest. After this period we're done. Right now i have spanish and Sophie has history. I really like spanish, the calss is very small because it's mostly an extra class and not mamy people chose it. Only 5 more minutes, this teacher is always very nice and lets us do our on thing theast minutes, as long as we are not on our phones. So i decided to doodle a bit. I'm really not good at drawing but i just like to do it. I look up and see Sophie waving trough the little window in the door. Her teacher let her go early again. I decide to just ignore her for now before she gets me in trouble.

As soon as the bell rings i go. "So what do you wanna do now?" Sophie asks as i get trough the door." Wanna go to the mall for a bit. I wanna get a good outfit for this weekend." I say. I have some clothes but not really nice ones, at least in my eyes, my mom really likes them but i don't. Most of them are pantalonts with a polo. For this weekend i just want a normal easy outfit. "ooehh, on who do you want to get an impact?"  She asks. Yes, of course i also want to look goid for Sebby, maybe i can change his mind. "Well you never know what gonna happen." I say, i decide to follow Jefrey's advide and be positive. Just like he said 'never say never' you never know what is going to happen. Sophie look at me with a big smile. "Well lets go then." She says and pull me by my hand.

Once we get to the mall i see baskin robbins and get the need for some ice cream. I litterly have obsession for ice cream. "Can we get some ice cream first?" I ask and look at Sophie with my puppy dog eyes. "Ugh okay than." She says.

Once we got our orders i decide to check my phone and message my mom that i'm at the mall with Sophie. Once i unlock my phone i see a notification and i can't believe it. "Whats up." Sophie asks a bit worried, apperantly she saw my face. I don't know how to explain her or tell so i just show her the notification.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MANAGE THAT!!??" She scream and i see the staff and some of the other people looking at us. "I don't know." I say, i got a message from Sebby, yes The Sebbbyjonn from TikTok with over 2 million followers. I decide to send him something back.

Monty: heyy, Sebby. I can't believe it. Is it really you??
Monty: please don't joke around.

Thats on having trust issues. I don't know if i can trust him and if it's really him. Of course it's not him. Why would he message me. I decide to just leave it with that and focus now on a nice rest of the day with Sophie. And of course enjoy the rest of my ice cream.

I'm sorry, it's a really nad chapter, esspecialy with all the changing between the pov. And i just don't like the chapter at all.


Living In A Dream🧚🏽‍♂️ (Mebby BxB)Where stories live. Discover now