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Monty's pov

Finally diner is over. I immediatly start doing the dishes before i get anymore shit trowhing at me. Peacefully i do the dishes and once they are done i head up to my room.

I lay in going trhough insta once i see a ad from TikTok and i decide to download it.

Once it's downloaded i had to make an account.

Name: montykeates

I decided to just do my name en sign up.

Once i'm on i decide to follow sebby.

After a while of watching his videos i hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I ask. "Me, Jefrey." I hear coming from the other side of the door. I decixe to just let him in because if i don't he'll just keep on knocking on my door. "What you doing." He asks. "Not much." I answer. "Ohh." He says and than there is a moment of silence between us. I feel that he wants to say something. "Sooo.... whats up?" I decide to ask to break the ice, we almost never have these akward silences. "Is he always like this to you?" He asks. I immediatly know what he means. My bond with dad is totally ruined, but his is just as good as it always was. "Yes." I say softly and look at my phone. It really hurts me that we aren't like we were before. "Ohw, but why?" He asks. Does he really not know or is he just acting stupid. "We maybe because im bi." I say. "Really? He said he didn't mind, didn't he?" He asks. "Jeah well, he does." I say. "I'm sorry." He says and pulls me into a hug. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He than asks. Well maybe because i don't like opening up or don't want to sound like a loser who needs his daddy i want to say but i decide to just remain silence and only say "you've got your own shit to deal with."

We sit for a while and than i see a smile appearing on his face. Oh no, what does he have in mind. It can't be any good. "So you really don't have a girl or boyfriend?" He ask. "No i really don't have one." I answer. "Not even a crush?" He than asks. I start thinking about Sebby, he is just so hot but i'm never able to get him. "SO YOU HAVE!!" he screams out. "Who is it?" He than asks. I'm really doubting if i shall tell him. He is my brother and we always tell eachother everything but it's just hopeless. ''You know you can trust me right? I don't mind if it is a boy or whatever. Not even if it is Sophie.'' He says. That lasts makes me smile a bit. Everybody Always think we're secretly dating, well we are not. I decide i'll just tell him. I open my Phone and go back to his TikTok and show it to him. ''It's hopeless because he has over 2 million followers but thats him.'' I say. ''Jeah, he i good looking i think.'' He says with a bit of a questioning face wich makes me laugh. He is just so supportive. ''But never say never.'' He says and with that he leaves my room. He is Always so optimistic but this is just impossible.

After some time on his TikTok i see one of his TikTok wich is a very easy dance. I can try that one, i think in myself. I clean some of my clothes from my floor and make a set up for my Phone, wich excists of my stool with some books on it. 

It is more difficult than i thought and after about 50 attempts i finally have a decent looking one and decide to send it to Sophie, i'll probably never post it.

I almost immediatly get a response.

Sop: Wow thats looks really good!!!

Sop: You finally decided to download it i told you it was good.

Mont: jeahh its nice.

Sop: you should totally post it.

Mont: no never

Sop: pleeaaassseeeee do it for me

She is kinda of rigth it is pretty good, but i think i'm a bit worried about the people who see it, what if they dont like it and start hating on me. I could Always delete it i think next.

Sop: pleaasssee 

Mont: only if you post one too

Sop: okeyy, i wil. but i might take some time

Mont: no probs

Sop: i'll do it tomorrow because now i have to go and finish my homework.

Mont: oh jeah sometime i forget how good of a student you are

For real though, she Always makes her homework and almost never fails a test. Me on the other hand, most of the time i just make my homework but i forget to study for the test and getting in school on time also i kind of a problem.

But like i promised i decide to post the TikTok. i don't really know what to caption so i just say 'first TikTok' i put some tags and that it.

I glance over to the time and see that it's already 9.30 so i decide to get ready for bed.

next morning


I wake up from the most annoying sound on earth, but at least i'm on time. I check the time and see that is is just 6.30. Why did i set my alarm this early i think kind of mad at my self. Than i see some notifications of TikTok and i remember the TikTok i posted last night. immediatly i go to it and see that it has 122 views and 65 like. Wow i didn't expect it to do so good. Of coures it's not like i'm already famous or whatever and compered to some others TikTokkers it's nothing but for me it's a lot. Maybe i can become TikTok famous and than Sebby will notice me. I start smiling at the idea of it but then the hard truths kiks in again. He is straight so he will never get with a boy, especially not like me. Just like my dad said 'who would ever want to be with a boy like me' it may be sad but it's the truth. And thats just my life. i'll have to accept it and with that i decide to get out of bed and get ready for another day of school.

kind of a short chapter i promise there will be longer ones.

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