🔘 Chapter 27: A Dream

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"Please... Please help me... You're the only one who can do this..." A woman's voice spoke into Anastasius' (Yuu's) dream, she sounds desperate, trembling even. It was an unfamiliar voice and Yuu swore he'd never heard it before.

Anastasius squirmed in his bed, cold sweat covering his body, he couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't breathe properly.

"You're my only hope....Please..." Then suddenly, the voice faded, along with it was the feeling of being restrained. Anastasius opened his eyes immediately, running breathless as he tries to remember his dream.

"Who was that..."

Anastasius went to his classes with a heavy feeling in his chest, he's still bothered by the dream he had. By this time he'd already forgotten all of it, he just remember feeling uneasy when he woke up. He tried his best to remember the details of his dream but his memory is now blurry.

"-tasius? Anastasius!"

"Uh what? I- I mean, yes?"

"You've been spacing out since our Etiquette class. Is there something wrong?" It was Brittany who asked.

"N-No, I, maybe I'm still a little bothered by what happened yesterday...Surely that must be it...." He knows he doesn't feel any negative feelings or emotions by what Cassandra did yesterday anymore, he's not the type of person who would hold grudges because he easily forgets about such things. But still... He couldn't shake off the feeling that his dream had something to do with yesterday's incident.

Was it the trauma coming back? Or is it something completely different this time? Is it a premonition? A flashback? What is it? Anastasius pondered, he couldn't even listen to his classes anymore.

"That bitch really needs a good whipping, or better yet, she should be expelled." Brittany hufffed, still angry with what Cassandra did to Anastasius.

"That's too much..." No matter how Cassandra acted yesterday, she's still the novel's heroine. It's not like she actually hurt someone or did a grave sin on the Academy and the whole kingdom itself. I'm just a Villain here, who knows what would happen if the heroine gets kicked out of the story just because of me...

After thinking of that, he suddenly felt cold and prickly. It's similar to the feeling you have when you feel sad or betrayed, but a bit more intense, as if it's more than that, but since Anastasius really felt dejected by the thought, he brushed it off as the latter.

"By the way, how did the Prince react?"


"Yeah? What? Don't tell me you didn't inform him about what happened yesterday?"

"I- I didn't..." Anastasius said, while wearing an apologetic smile.

"You- Are you nuts?!" Noticing that she raised her tone and had said something rude, she immediately ducked her head down and whispered "Okay I'm sorry, but excuse me? What would you do if she tells it to the Prince first and twist the whole story to her convenience? You shouldn't belittle two-faced bitches like her!"

"I know, but I just have the feeling that Charles wouldn't believe her you know? It may seem presumptuous of me, I apologize for that, but..." Anastasius trailed his statement, blushing a little earlier when he realized how assuming he sounds.

"You guys are really sooooo adorable, Especially you." Brittany cooed.


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