🔘 Chapter 25: Tears of the Heroine (2)

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"What's going on here?!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the room's doorway. There stood the feared batch representative slash president, Clay, holding papers from a meeting. His eyes were glowering over them, dangerously so, as if he'd been provoked by something. Was he standing there since the moment the issue started? Or did he just came back from his duties? No one knows, everyone's just too scared to move at the moment.

Clay had always been scary, but his expression right now is much more scarier than what he usually wore and no one dares to find out what he will do any moment now if he was irritated further.

"N-Nothing really, we're just...uh.." Anastasius tried to break the tension to protect Clay's image, he had thought that if Clay were to continue wearing that expression of is, he would lose the chance of showing what he truly is to their clasmates. But because of shock and panic from the situation, even he couldn't find an excuse about what is actually happening.

"Lord Yoshioka! I'm really sorry, this is all my fault, everyone just wanted to protect me from Lord Clarimiéres but I don't really think he's at fault here," she sniffled "Maybe I'm just too sensitive so when he reprimanded me..."

Brittany glared at her even stronger now, even using the word "protect" as if saying she's being bullied right now. She took a look at Anastasius to see his expression and saw him wearing a conflicted face that she'd never seen before.

Reprimanded, Anastasius said in his mind, isn't that word too harsh? I only told her the school's rule...

"You're not in the wrong here Lady Adalene, it is true that Lord Clarimiéres was too harsh on you, it is only normal to react like that." Goaded their classmates that are on Cassandra's side.

"No I-"

"You need not to explain yourself any more Lady Adalene, I think already have an idea about what happened," Clay interrupted, even though he really wanted to hear the explanation, he couldn't take the risk of letting the new student ruin Anastasius' image any longer than that. He knows this kind of situation fully well, since he's been in Anastasius' shoes before.

"Lord Clarimiéres, it was righteous of you to correct Lady Adalene's manners but you should mind your tone in front of a lady, although I didn't witness the act first hand so I'll be giving you the benefit of the doubt." Anastasius lifted his head to look at him, wearing an unreadable expression now. Clay tried to read him but eventually failed, so he decided to just continue what he was saying,

"While you, Lady Adalene, should review the Academy's rules and regulations first before acting so carelessly, this is not a field for you to impose your hollow justice to anyone." Cassandra flinched at his words, her pitiful expression faltering a little.

"Besides, crying over someone correcting your mistake is such an immature thing to do. I expected more of this from you since you've been given an important position in the Student Council. We're studying here to grow not only as a mage but also to thrive in the future profession or way of life we're planning to take on.

So if you couldn't even take a little criticism that will allow you to experience growth, forget surviving this Academy, you might not even survive one day in your future workplace or as a wife, whichever track to prefer to pursue." Clay held power with his voice, he didn't raise it, nor did he use any vulgar words, he made sure to sound as objective as possible. Because of that, their classmates who were neither on both sides but were pitying Cassandra earlier started to rethink the situation, it is true that they didn't witness it, why would they believe the new student just because she cried?

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