"It's time, I will now go and follow my heart as what my mother always told me to do." Lancelot said proudly, making his comrades clap and become teary-eyed over his statement.
"We will always support you Captain!" They all answered.
It was Saturday, there are no classes and everyone is free to do whatever their heart may please. Anastasius is currently reading his family's letters for him.
First was from Tiana, the Queen which says:
「Dearest Anastasius,
I'm glad to hear you're doing well, we're really worried for you here. Last week I had a painter visit the Palace for I missed watching someone paint, watching you always calmed me down and puts me in good mood, but as I have expected, the effect isn't the same if it is not you painting.
For that matter can I ask for a favor? For my upcoming birthday, can you paint me something? Anything would suffice! I just really miss your art works. But if you're busy it's also fine, I think I'm asking for too much...
Anyway, to end my letter I just wish you a happy experience in school, I hope you would find more friends who will treasure you. Keep safe darling!
Sincerely yours,
Tiana」"I really miss painting too... I didn't know Tiana loves my painting that much, I should definitely make her a big one for her birthday." Anastasius told himself, giggling by the thought.
Next one is from the King, a.k.a, Papa:
「Dear Anastasius,
I'm still not used to writing informal letters so forgive me if this may seem cold and formal at some point, I promise that I'm doing my best. But worry not, soon enough I'll also get the hang of this.
My longing for you is indescribable, my son. No one calls me Papa anymore... Lucas won't even say it since he's a big boy now he says. Anyway, if you need or want anything just send me a letter. I will send them to you immediately.
Your Papa,
Maxwell」Anastasius smiled, looking like he's saying there-he-goes-again. Nevertheless, he loves it when the King offers him so much, it makes him feel loved. But of course he still feels uneasy when he receives so much gifts. He's never gonna get used to being spoiled.
"Now from Lucas,"
「Dear Onii-chan,
There, I called you onii-chan just as what you requested in your last letter, but remember I won't call you like that in person anymore! I don't know why but it's embarrassing...
By the way, I heard from my sources that you have quite a lot of people fawning over you. Take care of yourself more and don't trust anyone especially men! You don't know what kind of a wolf they truly are under those noblemen attires. Don't smile too much at anyone! Or better yet don't smile at all! You should only smile at me okay? I guess at father and mother too...
Send me a letter if anyone's bothering you and I shall get rid of them myself. That's all
"Sources? When did he even send someone to watch over me..." Anastasius sighed.
'I guess it's much better... I feel safer now' He thought, while smiling at the letters. The letters were written a week ago if his calculations were right so it's not really a mystery as to why Lucas didn't mention anything from the incident with Cassandra when he had eyes on Anastasius. Though by now he may have been informed about it already and is probably currently writing a new letter about it.
As Anastasius was about to hide the letters, he noticed something with a different seal. It's not like it's from Icarus since he'd already received a letter from him last week, and the seal wasn't from their house either.
Still unsure about the letter, he decided to confirm if it's really for him before he decided to open it.
「Dear Lord Anastasius,
It is me, Lancelot Black. I wonder if you still remember me, I was the child whom you helped when I wanted to see my deceased mother for the last time when my father didn't allow me to. And although it may be embarrassing to admit, I was the same child you saw crying in a corner immaturely.
Remember when I told you I would serve you forever? Let me tell you that it was not merely a child's jest, nor a hollow promise for gratitude. I truly intended to be you most loyal knight.
I hated my father because of what he had done to me and my mother, I swore back then to hate any noble that I would meet, fearing that they might end up like him, but you, my lord, proved me wrong. Your family was so kind to me, especially you, that is why I decided to pursue being your knight. To pay your kindness back with my lifetime services.
I am now a captain of the knighthood in our country, I specifically trained just to serve you so I hope you will welcome me with the same smile you wore on the first day we met. And if you still don't trust me, I will galdly prove my skills to you, that is why I'll be going to the Corrielle Kingdom as a self-defense mentor!
Please do expect my prescence there.
Lancelot Black」
'The kid back then? Wait... Now that I think of it, isn't his name familiar. He also mentioned something about hating nobles... I remember a certain man from the heroine's fish tank who's exactly described like that!
You don't mean....'
Here it is! The double update! Though it may not be longer than what you expected so I'm sorry :( I really tried hard 👉👈
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the update! I'll be working on the update for TAMP now ❤
Take care!!!!

Reincarnated as a Yandere Villain [BL]
Fantasy[Historical Reincarnation Series : Book 1] ※THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY. #RAYV: About a gentle kindergarten employee that was reincarnated in a mysterious book as its Yandere villain, and his quest to eliminate his death flags along the way by befrien...