|𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞|

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He looked at you and came closer. Luckily the bubbles covered most of your body so you felt less embarrassed. He started washing your back. Surprisingly he did that with a really gentle Touch. After a while, he washed your hair. It felt nice to be clean after all those hours or even days. After a few minutes he was done.

Izuku: stand up and get out of the bathtub my dear.

You didn't complain because you knew it was pointless. You stood up and got out. He took a big towel and put it around your shoulders.

Izuku: Heres some clothes, put these on.

You did as he said. You put on a school uniform and looked in the mirror.

Izuku: you look cute in it! This outfit reminds me of when we were in junior high school...

Y/n: don't...talk about these times...

Izuku: Why my love? It was nice there right? When you and Kacchan said all those things! Oh but I don't blame you! It was all his fault.

He kissed you in the head.

Izuku: now come on! I'll show you, my friends!

He dragged you out of the bathroom and down the stairs. When you got down you saw some villains sitting and talking.

???: Oh my God!!! I got my own twin! See? We're matching!

A blond-haired girl ran up to you and hugged you really tight. You were really confused and didn't know what to say. Then you noticed that she wears the same clothes as you so that means that her name is Toga.

Izuku: Toga it's enough. Anyway, Y/n, they are my friends!

Dabi: we are not frie-

Izuku: Shut up Dabi. So this girl is Toga.

Toga: it's me, it's me! He is talking about me!

Toga screamed and looked at you with excitement.

Izuku: this rude guy right there is Dabi but I think you know him already.

He looked at Izuku with an annoyed face. When he looked at you he smiled...you could barely see this smile but still.

Izuku: This guy right here is Twice. He is...Uhm...its...hard to say.

You looked at a man in a grey/black suit. He was excited just as Toga.

Izuku: This Turtle looking person is Shuich AKA spinner.

Shuichi just looked at you and turned around without saying anything.

Izuku: and finally...this is Shigaraki! He's the leader of the LOV so I don't recommend you to mess up with him.

Shigaraki: Don't try doing anything stupid.

Izuku: and the last person is Kurogiri! He is basically our transport and babysitter.

Kurogiri: I agree.

Everyone looked at you with curious looks.

Izuku: here sit down!

You saw an empty place between Shigaraki and Dabi so you sat there. Dabi started talking to you about school. Like it was a normal conversation. It seems like he wants to make you feel comfortable with them.

Dabi: anyway I hope you remember how to eat.

Y/n: u-uh, I was just so confused a-and...aw man...

H𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕚𝕤𝕞? 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥? |Villain!Izuku Midoriya X Reader|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now