|𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡|

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When you heard those words, you felt like there still was a small light in the tunnel.

Y/n: R-really?

He nodded.

Dabi: Just let me help you...

You felt tears on your cheeks.

Y/n: But... I can't escape... I can't leave Izuku...

Dabi: Huh? Y/n...tell me...do you really love him?

You looked down and didn't know what to do.

Y/n: I...i d-don't know...

Dabi: If you do, you can just stay here and become evil, just as Izuku did. Just like most of us did. Just like I did...

He held your hand.

Dabi: If you don't. You can accept my help and escape this place. Become a hero just like you always wanted to. You could still...be with this...Kirishima guy.

You didn't answer and just looked at his hand holding yours.

Dabi: You don't have to answer me now...just think about it. We're going on this mission for about 3 weeks. I...i think I should go if Izuku catches me I'm dead.

You took back your hand and watched him leaving the room. When he opened the door he looked at you this last time, after that he closed the doors leaving you alone in the darkroom. You laid on the bed again, then looked at the Izukus desk. You saw a familiar notebook. It was this one notebook that Katsuki has destroyed back in junior high school. You stood up and came closer to the said desk. You looked at the notebook and opened it. You looked through the pages, there were drawings of heroes and informations about them. On the last page, you saw a drawing of...yourself. At first, it was hard to say if it was actually you because Izuku wasn't really good at drawing but after looking at the "description" there were no complaints that it was you. After reading all the information you could tell that he knows everything about your quirk and attacks. You closed the notebook and put this back to where it was, to make it look like you didn't touch it. You decided to go out of the room, you got sick of this place with all those pictures of you. You came closer to the doors and opened them. You poked your head out of the room to check if someone was there. Luckily, no one was. You walked out and started walking to the kitchen. You were still a bit tired so you had to support yourself with the wall. You came into the kitchen and saw a little window in there. It was really small so you had to stand on something to get closer to it. You decided to take a chair and stand on it. After doing that you could finally see what was outside. Your eyes shone. You saw your city with perfectly sunny weather. The kids were playing football and having a good time. People of your age were walking around and talking, laughing. You haven't seen anything like that for probably days or weeks. A smile made upon your face. It was so nice to see this kind of view. Normally you would not really care about something like that but after all those days, it feels like you haven't been outside for years. You wanted to stay in this moment forever but unfortunately, your leg lost the balance and that made you fall. But wait...someone caught you? You felt warm around you. You were really confused and shocked.

???: Hello my love...

Someone whispered into your ear. His warm voice gave you chills. After a second you realized that it was Izuku.

Izuku: you have to watch your steps more...

Y/n: h-huh?

You blushed and jumped a little. He laughed softly.

H𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕚𝕤𝕞? 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥? |Villain!Izuku Midoriya X Reader|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now