{05} Un Año

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{Title of the chapter from Un Año by Sebastián Yatra (It's in Spanish). I recommend you listen to the song while reading if you want}

June 25, 2019

Anne had not seen Gilbert, since she saw him for the first time in four years, at the bookstore, which is longer than she expected, she thought he would be everywhere to haunt her, not seeing him made her feel glad but sad at the same time, she had forgotten how much she missed him; his hair, still curly and messy, his eyes, hazel and beautiful, his jaw, sharp and splendid, his arms, stronger and fitter than before, his smile, bright and sweet, his lips, rosy and soft –or at least they looked soft-, his freckles, his lashes, his brows, his love, his… everything. She knew her luck was not going to last long, she knew sooner or later she was going to see him walking around town with his new girlfriend.

Gilbert, on the other hand, was trying to show Winnie and Jerry places around town that were as far away from Anne as possible, he did not want to see her again, he did not want to miss her again; he did not want to miss her ocean blue eyes, her hair of fire, her freckles that looked like the stars in the sky, her milky and soft skin, her full and pink lips, her welcoming and lovely smile, her kind expression, her wispy lashes, her little hands, her love, her…everything. Anne worked in Charlottetown, which was fifteen minutes away from Avonlea, and Gilbert decided to show his friends around Avonlea first before going to Charlottetown, he only got two extra days to avoid her, Avonlea was not a big town and did not have many places to show.


“We have to go grocery shopping,” Diana said. Anne was at work, so she thought it was the best time to talk to Cole.

“Good, have fun” Cole smiled.

“No, we’re all going, Mckenzie

“But why? I don’t like going to the supermarket and you and Anne love it” He groaned.

“Anne needs to get out of this house, she only leaves for work and then comes back, she never leaves because she scared of seeing him”

“And you think grocery shopping will make her feel better?”

“Maybe, we have to go together and it’s a necessity so she won’t say anything about it, we’ll just go buy our groceries, and maybe we could even go have ice cream at the park or something later”

“Ok,” Diana chuckles, “What?”

“That was easier than I thought” She smiles.

“Only for Anne, she needs this,” He said truthfully, “It’s going to be a long summer with him here” he sighed, “I really thought we’ll never see him again”

“Me too” she admitted, “Maybe this summer will help her open up about him to us and tell us what happened between them, and then she could move on with her life”

“I hope so. She still loves him, it’s unfair to Rayna, she’s with her but she doesn’t love her like she loved Gilbert”

“She’ll never love anyone as she loved him, but that doesn’t mean she won’t love anyone else again,” Diana said, “I just don’t want her to break her heart, like with Billy”

“She won’t” Cole responded, certain. “I think Anne learned from that situation”

“Let’s hope you’re right”


Rayna is Anne’s girlfriend, she’s also one of Cole’s classmates and that’s how they met, they have been dating for almost a year, she is the first person she’s been with since Gilbert, well…

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