{08} Classic

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{Title of the chapter from Classic by MKTO. I recommend you listen to the song while reading if you want... but maybe this time you'd like to start the song at the mark I give you}

February 14, 2014

You are my fire. The one desire

It was Valentine’s Day and Avonlea High School had the tradition of “Songs for your Lover” which meant you could pay the school choir if you wanted them to sing a song of your choice to a special someone.

Believe when I say that I want it that way

Anne was sitting in her usual place next to Diana in class, Cole sitting right behind them when the choir came in the classroom. Diana turned to look at her, thinking they must be here for Anne.

But we are two worlds apart

“Watch this!” Cole laughed. The choir walked and stood next to Charlie, who was in his usual corner, trying to hide from the teacher as much as possible.

Can't reach to your heart when you say that I want it that way

Charlie blushed as soon as he saw them walking towards him, then he turned to look at Cole who was laughing. Anne and Diana started laughing when Charlie put up his middle finger to Cole. “You’re so funny, McKenzie”

Tell me why! Cole sang with the choir.

Ain't nothin' but a heartache

Tell me why! He said again.

“You’re not funny!”

Ain't nothin' but a mistake

Tell me why! Cole, Anne, and Diana sang together.

“Not you too” Charlie groaned.

I never want to hear you say
I want it that way

The choir finished the song and the entire class clapped. Anne, Cole, and Diana were laughing, and Charlie was looking at them with a deathly glare. ‘I’m gonna kill you’ he mouthed to Cole.

“What was that, Charles?”

“I said that I really liked the song, the Backstreet Boys are my favorites, thank you so much,” he said, sarcastically.

“I thought so, you’re welcome, cutie” he winked and Charlie laughed, rolling his eyes.



At lunch, the group sat in their usual table, it in the middle of the cafeteria, which was perfect for the occasion. Everyone was happy that this year, Valentine’s Day was on Friday, which meant they could party without worrying about school the next day. The group was enjoying their lunch when suddenly Gilbert’s hockey teammates came walking to the table each of them handing Anne a white rose, she ended up with a dozen roses on her hand.

“Woah, Anne!” Charlie gasped, “Seems like you have admirers” Anne turned to look at Gilbert, question in her eyes.

“What?” He teases.

“Bubs!” Anne scoffed, “You did this!”

“Who told you that?” Gilbert laughed, Hey! Where's the drum? he shouted. A guy on top of a moving platform came playing the drums “Oh, there” he chuckled.

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