{09} Don't Start Now

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{Title of the chapter from Don't Start Now by Dua Lipa}

July 6, 2019

Gilbert woke up first, he shimmied out of Charlie´s embrace, his little brother was quite the cuddle-er and made his way to the kitchen of the little apartment, his limbs sore from sleeping in the same position the entire night.

Anne was better, or at least she seemed like it, watching Disney movies were something that always cheered her up –maybe Gilbert rubbed off on her a bit-. Now that she was fine, the night before was coming to bother him. He was there in his ex’s apartment, somehow he managed not to think about it the night before, but now there’s nothing to stop his mind, all the touches, the goodnights and good mornings, and the I love yous this place had given him. The last time he was here, he left with his heart broken; the love of his life broke up with him in this apartment, behind that door next to the kitchen, in her room. Being here, he suddenly felt like he could not breathe, and like he was breathing for the first time in four years at the same time. She was so close yet so far. He was so happy to be with her, but he was also sad that he was not with her.

At least she’s single now- no- stop it- she just got cheated on, don’t be a dick, Gilbert thought.

It was very early, well, it was almost 9 am, and it was early considering at which time they went to bed. His stomach rumbled, reminding him he should definitely have something to eat, he was always one of those people who had to eat something right after they woke up. He decided to order some breakfast for everyone, mostly because he was also hungry and he did not want to take food from their house, but because a bagel and your favorite coffee in the mornings equal to a spectacular day.

It only takes around twenty minutes for the delivery boy to come, two bags –paper, of course, not plastic- full of different types of bagels, muffins, donuts and there’s also a few pieces of cake somewhere in there, he might have ordered a bit too much, but he also knew his brothers would eat it all sooner or later. Cole is already coming to the kitchen before Gilbert can go wake them up.

“Is that Dunkin?” The blonde ask, coming to check the bags.

“Yup” he responded, popping the ‘p’.

“You are an angel” he praises, “Are you sure you’re not into boys?”

Gilbert chuckles, “Yes, I’m sorry”

“How about your-” He was cut off by Diana.

“Is that coffee I smell?”

“Yes,” Cole says, “Gilbert ordered some breakfast”

“I did, does- does Anne still takes her coffee like she used to?” Gilbert asked, suddenly worried that she might have changed her coffee order in the last four years, which was very likely.

“Semi-skimmed milk, 1/3 coffee and 2/3 chocolate with two sugars?” Diana asked and Gilbert nodded, “You’re good, she’s a pretty basic bitch” he sighed, relieved.

“That she is” Cole laughs, slurping his own coffee.


July 8, 2019

A party, this was just what she needed. Anne Shirley was a girl on a mission. She was going to get drunk as fuck, she was going to find the hottest stranger there and she was going to fuck them, no feelings in the way, no more heartbreak, no nothing, just meaningless sex. She was wearing her tight black tube dress, her hair straight and loose, that dress looked a lot better with heels, but she did not feel like wearing them, so she just settled for her black platforms, they were comfy. Her night was going great so far, she had made out with this hot ass guy, his name was like- king or something like that and he was a gardener, she thought it was weird the dude told her his name and his profession but he was hot so that is what mattered to her. Not so good for Anne, the dude seemed a gentleman, and he politely rejected the proposition Anne had made him.

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