Teasing them

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Requested by:Aukozuki

Iwaizumi Hajime

"Hajime~" (M/n) purred into his shoulder, they were sat down on the couch watching TV.


(M/n) wrapped his arms around his waist, his hands slowly drop down to his thigh.

"Are you doing what i think you're doing..?" Iwaizumi had a faint blush "ha? I'm not doing anything~" he grinned.

His hand slowly cams closer to his crotch, making Iwaizumi tense, as it only needed one more move from touching it, he moved his hand up back to his waist.

"Are you teasing me?" Iwaizumi looked at the smirking male "may~be~" he kissed his cheek.

He pulled him into his lap and hugged him, his hand made it's way to grope Iwaizumi's crotch again.

"Don't you dare..!"

"Oh i do dare~ what are you gonna do~? Grope me back~?" He teased.

Iwaizumi tensed more, his face a bit red, (M/n) kissed him and suddenly stopped.

Iwaizumi was a bit confused but was still flustered so he didn't say anything.

Semi Eita

"Marshmallow~" (M/n) called him, Semi raised his head from his phone and blushed lightly.

"Put your shirt back on!" He looked away. (M/n) smirked, Semi peeked to the corner of his eye.

(M/n) caressed his own abs "don'tcha want this body~" he teased, Semi became more flustered.

"Or do you want some of this~" he pointed down his unzipped pants, Semi almost lost it and wanted to look.

"Awee~ i know ya want some" he laughed and continued to dress himself.

Semi peeked again but was met with (M/n) continuing to dress.

Yaku Morisuke
(This one isn't really teasing but..)
(Very short-pfft)
"Mori! Mori come're i have something for you!" (M/n) called from the bedroom.

Yaku heard the male and followed the voice "yes what is it-"

(M/n) was on the bed, uniform unbuttoned, tie was loose and pants was unzipped.

"Wanna have fun~" he licked his lips, Yaku blushed and went out, slamming the door.

(M/n) laughed "Mori! Wait! Why deny me!" He got up and fixed his clothes. He quickly ran to the short male.

"I thought you wanted me hot~" he teased "I said! Dinner! Not you!- oh my gosh-"

Akaashi Keiji

(M/n) and his seductive skills.

He always teased Akaashi and made things he do look sexy, the way he licked lollipops and popcicle.

He always leave Akaashi Flustered and in a blushing mess.

This time he sexualized cooking, he wore nothing else but his briefs and an apron.

Letting his muscles be seen, Akaashi just woke up and headed to the kitchen.

He saw his lover half naked while cooking, Akaashi's eyes widen "oh, morning Honey~" he looked at him with a smirk.

Akaashi held his nose and went to the bathroom, (M/n) chuckled, once he was done cooking he wore his clothes again before he catches a cold.

Sugawara Koushi

(M/n) with his deep morning voice was so attractive, Suga never really hears it since (M/n) doesn't talk much in the morning.

But now was his chance to hear it.

"Sugar~ good morning~" a deep raspy voice alerted Suga "m-morning love~" Suga kissed his cheek and sat up.

His voice always gives him the chills, yet it sorta turns him on.

(M/n) hugged Suga "you smell nice~" he spoke again, Making Suga's cheeks turn pink.

(M/n) stood up and went to the bathroom, not knowing that he just left Suga in a flustered and blushing state since (M/n) was still half awake.

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