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Iwaizumi Hajime

(M/n) was acting a bit weird today, But Iwaizumi just brushed it off and continued to cook breakfast for the both of them.

(M/n) suddenly appeared in the kitchen "hey Haji-zilla~! Can i help with making breakfast?" He asked.

"No its fine" Iwaizumi smiled and went back to cutting some vegetables.

"No no! I insist! I'll cut the vegetables!" He took the knife out of Iwaizumi's hands.

But (M/n) accidentally dropped the knife onto his hand and it stabbed it.


Iwaizumi gasped and panicked, maybe almost screaming.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH-" the hand fell of and pops out his real hand still intact "Oops! Gotta! Hahahah!"

(M/n) laughed, Iwaizumi did not fit it funny but he was so relieved that it was fake.

"Not funny! I was worried!!" Iwaizumi lightly hit his shoulder "ehh but it was!" He grinned.

Semi Eita

Semi was just watching TV, maybe checking his phone from time to time as he awaited for his boyfriend.

There was suddenly loud knocking on the door "THIS IS THE POLICE!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" The door was forced open.

Semi jolted and was frightened, i didn't do anything!

It revealed (M/n) with a water gun, he shot Semi with water and processed to scream.

"ACK! BJOWICKDBEJ STOOOPP!!" Once Semi realised that it was (M/n), he calmed down but tried to stop him from spraying him with more water.

"(M/n)! Stop! Stop! " Semi took the pillow and smacked (M/n) "Oof!" (M/n) fell down.

"Idiot! Now i'm all wet!"

(M/n) grinned at his way of wording it or that he just had a dirty mind-


"ShuT UP! don't you dare say it!!"

"Okay okay fine"

Yaku Morisuke

Yaku was in the store, purchasing some food, after that he took a break in the park, to recharge himself.

He suddenly got a call from (M/n) "hello?"

"Mori! This is an emergency!! Come home quick!! Please!!!" (M/n) sound like he was out of breath and shaking.

"O-okay! I'll be there!" Yaku gasped and quickly ran to their house, worried of what had happened to (M/n).

He finally got home and opened the door, panting "i-i'm here! What happened?!" He dropped the groceries and ran to (M/n) whom was in the bedroom.

"What?! What?!" He said worriedly "huh? Oh nothing, just wanted you home" (M/n) grinned.





Akaashi Keiji

Akaashi and (M/n) were studying in the living room, with soft music playing.

Akaashi then heard someome call out his name "Akaashi~" he heard.

He looked around him, no one was there except the two, (M/n) couldn't have done it, he was sleeping- wait-

"(M/n) wake up and study!" Akaashi scolded him, (M/n) woke up ah sorry..!"

Akaashi just brushed it off and continued to study, but there it was again "Akaashi~"

Akaashi concerned, he looked around again, but his time he stood up "(M/n) hear that??"

"Hear what?"

It freaked Akaashi more, where was that sound coming from?

There was a bathroom attached to the room so he figured that the sound was there.

He gulped and slowly opened the door, it revealed BOKUTO?!

"Oh uh- hey Akaashi?!" Bokuto gasped, he held a mic, it was now proof that it was Bokuto was the culprit.

"Awe! Busted already!" (M/n) laughed.

"Seriously you two..."

Sugawara Koushi

Suga had just came home after practice, he opened the door and cheered.

"I'm ho-!" He cut himself off as he saw blood all around the room, anxiety hit him, where's (M/n)!?

He was scared at it might br (M/n)'s blood, he saw a trail of blood and slowly followed it "(M-m/n)! W-where are you!" He said in a scared and shaking tone.

There was blood on the floor, wall, stairs etc.

He was let in the bathroom and-

It was (M/n) holding a a fake blood packs "got scared?" He grinned.

"I- you-" Suga just fainted "woah- SUGAR!"

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