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Requested by: sad_loveboii

Iwaizumi Hajime

(M/n) was sat on the bleachers, watching Seijoh's match and of course rooting for Iwaizumi and the others.

But unfortunately they lost, (M/n) frowned once seeing Iwaizumi's expression.

After the match, (M/n) immediately went down and greeted Iwaizumi, (M/n) sat him down.

"Hey hey, Hajime its okay" he tried to comfort him "even if you guys lost at least you did your best" he pulled him into his embrace.

"You did great out there" he kissed his cheek "b-but (M/n)-" "no! Weeping over a match you lost makes you weak!" He frowned more.

"Just think of this! Losing is a part of growing stronger, it just means you need more time to bloom" Iwaizumi was in a verge of crying, he held (M/n) tightly.

"I know its hard to accept it but just know that this isn't your final match! You can still win the future matches, so its okay.." He smiled.

Iwaizumi nodded, his face buried on (M/n)'s chest "but..its okay to cry, i'm here" he rubbed Iwaizumi's back in a circular motion.

"T-..thank you"

Semi Eita

It was a shock that Shiratorizawa lost, (M/n) saw the expressions of everyone, he frowned.

(M/n) hurriedly went down, looking for Semi, he spotted him in the halls with his head down.

"Marshy hey, are you okay?" He walked towards him, Semi heard him and walked away, not wanting to be bothered.

"Marshy wait!" (M/n) ran after him, he took Semi's hand, Semi pulled away and turned to him.

"Just stop it!"

(M/n) was shocked.

"i'm useless! This is why i'm not playing in official matches! I'm a failure!...i'm not good enough!" Semi looked at (M/n), trying to holds back tears.

"I Don't deserve you! Or anything! I-"

"Eita!" (M/n)'s aura darkened, Semi's eyes widened, it was rare for (M/n) to call him by his name, it always mean that (M/n) is angry or serious.

"Don't you dare repeat does sentences! You are not useless or a failure!" (M/n) glared at him.

"For all i know! You are the opposite of what you said you are! Just because your team lost doesn't mean you can call yourself a failure!"

"Eita, you are an amazing person! Quite talented! And how dare you say that you are useless!"

"Rather than running away from me, you should come to me..! Do you not trust me with your problems and emotions..?"

Tears threatened to fall on Semi's cheeks, (M/n) pulled him into his embrace.

Semi tried to push him away with is hands "Don't push me away" (M/n) frowned.

"Its okay Eita..don't hold your tears..let it out" Semi was overwhelmed with emotion, tears fell from his cheeks as he buried his face on (M/n)'s chest, gripping on his shirt tightly.

"I'm here for you, you don't have to hide yourself them me.." More tears fell, Semi sobbed on (M/n)'s chest.

"I-..i'm sorry..."

Yaku Morisuke

(M/n) was seated in the bleachers, watching the match and cheering for his boyfriend.

Sadly they lost, (M/n) had gotten out from the bleachers and went to Yaku "hey Mori, you did great out there" he smiled, trying to cheer him up from their loss.

"Thanks..i'm fine so don't worry.." Yaku gave him a sad smile "awwe come're" (M/n) pulled Yaku into a tight hug.

"You'll do better next time~" (M/n) smiled and kissed his cheek "thanks, i know" Yaku lightly blushed.

"Why don't we go out to a restaurant make it up for your loss?" (M/n) offered.

" not necessary" Yaku shook his head, (M/n) smirked "too bad! We're going!" He lifted Yaku up and carried him bridal style.

"Put me down!" Yaku laughed quietly.

"No can do princess! Let's gooo!" (M/n) smiled widely, grabbing both of their bags and went out.

Akaashi Keiji

It was an unfortunate sight, Fukukodani lost, Bokuto was on his emo mode, the team was  a bit down.

(M/n) went down and greeted Akaashi "hey Keiji, you doing alright? I'm sad that you guys lost" he gave him a small smile.

Akaashi nodded "i'm fine" he answered "you don't seem to be, you need a hug" (M/n) hugged Akaashi, Akaashi hugged back "thank you" he smiled.

"No problem" (M/n) smiled widely "now..bokuto" they both looked at Bokuto whom was weeping in a corner.

Akaashi and (M/n) had to cheer him up, which is what they did, taking him to barbeque as well as the other members to lighten them up.

Sugawara Koushi
(Its mostly the team than Suga)

Ah..Karasuno lost, the team seemed to be a bit upset, Suga on the other hand tried to cheer them up.

With (M/n) as another parent, he joined Suga to cheer the baby crows up.

(M/n) was thinking of something to have them get a cheery aura around them.

He had an idea, he turned to the team with a wide smile "hey team! Stop with the sad atmosphere! I'm treating you all for barbeque!!" He yelled.

Getting the attention of the four meat lovers "BARBEQUE?!?!? " they surrounded (M/n).

"Uwah!..yes! Barbeque!" (M/n) smiled nervously, not expecting the big reaction from the four.

"Good idea (M/n)!" Suga patted (M/n)'s back making him yelp "ah..! Thank you Sugar" (M/n) smiled at Suga.



Just a quick shout out to animepriceprincess
They're a small author and in need of support! Go check out her original books! As always thank u for the support!

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