Getting jealous (them)

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Requested by:LillyannaChan

Iwaizumi Hajime

(M/n), Hanamaki and Matsukawa were having a conversation, practice was done and they had spare time while Iwaizumi was changing.

Iwaizumi came back and saw his loveable boyfriend talk to his two teammates, he decided to wait for them to finish and just organized his stuff.

He suddenly heard something from the two's mouth, it sounded like light flirting.

He turned to the three and glared at his teammates, they didn't seem to notice so he went up to them.

"Excuse us, we need to get home quickly" he took his taller boyfriend's hand and led him out.

"Ooo~ so he's the protective one!" Hanamaki teased. Matsukawa snickered.

"Well, you could say that!" (M/n) laughed and walked with Iwaizumi out the gym.

"Haji-zilla~ you're so cute getting all jealous like that~ pulling me away from the two~ so adorable" he teased him.

Iwaizumi blushed lightly "shut up" he kept holding (M/n)'s hand and never letting go.

Semi Eita

"Oh! Woah you're awesome!" Goshiki's eyes sparkled, (M/n) grinned "awe thanks~ but i'm not, really!"

"But you are! So cool!" He praised him "you are so cute, Goshiki-chan" he smiled.

"Ehh?? Cute? No way! I'm cool and awesome!..but not as awesome as Ushijima-san!"

"Yeah yeah sure" he patted his head. Semi just finished packing, he didn't mind (M/n) taking to Goshiki but he was getting all close to him.

Semi went to them "well, we have to go now, bye" he waved goodbye to Goshiki and led (M/n) away.

"Awe~ Someone is Jelly~" he teased and wrapped an arm around Semi's waist.

"No- i'm not jealous!..just wanted to go home quickly" he huffed and pushed his hand away.

"Marshmallow is jealous~ how could you be jealous with little Goshiki-chan~" he snickered.

"I already said no..!" He walked faster "such a jelly bean~" he laughed.

Yaku Morisuke

"i'm gonna show you that i can be an ace! I'll show you my awesoms spikes!" Lev exaggerated to (M/n).

"Sure sure" (M/n) doesn't really know how to play volleyball but he knows the basics from watching them practice.

"Ack! Wait-! Let me try again!" Lev failed to spike with Kenma's sets "try harder Lev!" (M/n) laughed a bit.

It didn't bother Yaku if (M/n) talked to Lev, but he suddenly left all lonely and maybe even jealous.

It ticked him off slightly, deciding that it's time, he pulled (M/n) away from Lev, making Lev cry out "nooo! I'm not done showing my spikes!"

"Mori! Mori! You're making me trip!" (M/n) yelped, getting pulled on his collar by Yaku.

"Why is my little kitten angry~" (M/n) pulled away from Yaku's grip "nothing!" He answered.

"Were you lonely without me~ aw i knew you loved me!" He cheered.

"O-of course i love you!"

Akaashi Keiji

"Ooo~ you look so hot~" a random girl stopped in front of the two, (M/n) looked at her confused "me?" He pointed at himself.

"Who else!" She squealed "why don't we da-" "sorry but he seems to be taken and he's with me" Akaashi stepped in.

"Ha? No way!" She denied "there is no 'no way' to this, if he's dating someone then leave him alone" he stared intensely at her.


"Oh well whatever! There are far more good looking just than him anyways!" She huffed and walked away.

"Oo~ getting all protective i like~" (M/n) kissed his cheek. Akaashi just continued walking with (M/n) as they held hands.

Sugawara Koushi

"Oh wow~ what's up good looking~!" A girl walked up to (M/n), he stared at her "Sup" he just answered.

"Wanna hang out sometime? Here i'll give you my number!" She searched in her bag.

"Actually! He is with me!" Suga stepped him, she looked at him "oh, you can come too i guess.." She wasn't interested on him.

Suga just smiled "oh no! I mean i'm dating him! Now! Please go and shoo!" He gestured his hand saying for her to go away.

"Oh..well okay then, bye" she walked away "pfft, Rude" (M/n) snorted

Suga looked like he was gonna hurt someone with the smile be had on his face.

"Protective bottom! I repeat! Protective bottom!" He chuckled.

"Oh shut it you!" He hit him "OW!…………protective bottom..haha" he still laughed even if he held his stomach in pain.

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