Wearing Female Clothing

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Wifi is back so early yay!

Iwaizumi Hajime

"Come on pleasee? I already bought it!!" (M/n) pressed the outfit to Iwaizumi's chest.

"Its also extra large for your big muscles~" he grinned.

"Fine fine but only for a bit.." Iwaizumi sighed, he went to go change into the outfit.

It was a slightly short skirt, a sleeveless blouse and some fishnet tights, it had also seemed to fit him perfectly.

"How.." Iwaizumi looked at himself in the mirror, he felt embarrassed seeing himself in such feminine outfit.

Soon he got courage to get out from their room and faced (M/n), (M/n)'s jaw dropped.

"You look so good...." (M/n) almost drooled but quickly wiped it away, (M/n) got his phone out.

"Say cheese" he took a picture "holy shizz" he couldn't stop staring "can you do a little twirl for me Hajime?"

Iwaizumi slowly did a turn "this is just.." He shook his head, he finally ha it and went back to their room and changed.

"Aw Hajime! Come back!" (M/n) laughed a bit and followed him.

Semi Eita

"Why would you think i would wear that?!" Semi crossed his arms, (M/n) held up a bag filled with newly bought clothes.

"Come onnn! It costs so much!" He pouted "please? Pretty please??"


"Look, i'll make a deal with you, if you wear it for at least one hour i won't bother you for the rest of the day!"


"Give me that" Semi took the bag and went his way, (M/n) had a grin on his face.

Semi opened the bag, annoyance covered his face, inside was a pink and cream dress.

"The hell is this.." He dropped the bag and held the dress up, he took a deep breath and stripped, putting the new clothing on.

He walked out, a bit slouched and looked at (M/n) "happy now?" He lightly glared at him.

(M/n) nodded "it looks pretty on you!" He complmented, Semi blushed lightly "pretty huh? Why don't you wear one your own!" He crossed his arms.

"Ehhh nah" he chuckled and took tons of pictures "this will be handy in the future"

"Don't you dare show this to anyone!" He went to the living room, sitting down and covering his lap with a pillow for coverage.

"Of course, i only want to be the only one that sees this beauty~" he gestured to him.

"You made a deal now go away" Semi adjusted the dress.

"Awe okay"

Yaku Morisuke

"....." Yaku stared at him "please?"' (M/n) held up a blouse and skirt, and had the puppy eyes.


"Please? Just once?"


"I'll listen to whatever you say if you do"


"Whatever.." Yaku got the outfit and went out to change, which (M/n) went to peek on him.

Yaku stripped and wore the feminine clothes, he looked a bit intimidated by how he looked.

And how it suited him so much.

He went to the door and opened it, only to be met with (M/n) "ah! What are you doing peeking on me?!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" (M/n) rose his hands and had a nervous smile.

"Well i'm wearing it now, what else do you want me to do? Pose?" He said sarcastically.

"Yes!" (M/n) got out his phone "make it cute!" He put it on camera.

"I was being sarcastic!"

Akaashi Keiji

"Please wear this" (M/n) brought up a bag to Akaashi "okay" he took it and went to change.

"Wait seriously?!" He gasped, not expecting him to accept so quickly. Yet he was excited to see it.

It was a short is cream colored dress with a bow hair clip with it.

Akaashi wore it and went out, he even wore the hair clipped "you are so cute Keiji" (M/n) couldn't help but smile.

It was so cute on him, he took the time to take plenty of pictures.

"You have more in the bag, do i need to wear it to??" Akaashi asked.

"Oh my gosh yes!"

Sugawara Koushi

"Oh? Of course i'll wear it!" Suga accepted it and stripped in front of him.

(M/n) almost had a nosebleed just watching him strip in front of him, Suga wore Karasuno's cheerleader outfit.

Suga proudly posed with it, even with the pompoms and thigh high socks "do i look cute?" He had his hands on his cheek.

"Very cute~" (M/n) wrapped his arm around his waist, Suga pushed him away.

"Wait wait! I want to have a photo shoot! Get your phone and let's take pictures in bed!" He cheered and went to their room.

(M/n) pouted a bit but did what Suga told him.

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