Chapter 1: Preparations

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If you haven't read the first book, "Sayonara," I highly recommend it or you'll be confused.


Despite the dark sky shimmering with twinkling stars and the waft of a midnight breeze, blood didn't make anything look pretty in red. That one flower you wished would stay blue is now painted with a splatter of crimson, and the boring black of roads now seemed horrific with remains of pedestrians and Heroes littering them.

The world was in flames, smog filtering through the air and crimson dotting its once beautiful colors. The sun won't shine anymore and kids won't return to school. Musutafu didn't look like this before, but now that the League of Villains created an all-powerful Nomu, nothing can stop the destruction and havoc brought upon it.

"Alright, that's enough, Nomu," Shigaraki ushered, Nomu Todoroki tossing a severed body out of his grasp, the body smashing into a burning car. "Retreat for now. We'll start first thing tomorrow, so get some rest for your big day."

The Nomu hummed, using his bat-like wings to ascend in the air and to the hideout while Shigaraki took a portal, stepping through and meeting Toga, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul, and Dabi in the bar.

It had been three weeks since Todoroki's fate was decided amongst Shigaraki and All for One's hands. Since then, All Might has died and Mineta was the first to suffer in 1-A. Though he was a major pervert, his loss was heavily his parents.

Todoroki was given free-will. He can now think majorly to himself and communicate normally. Those were the only functions All for One could gift him with, and Dabi was thankful he could at least be part of his old self, but it still wasn't the same old Todoroki.

Out through the chained black door came Todoroki, his wings fusing into his back and disappearing to limit size and weight. His face was now fixed, skin covering the once exposed muscle from his white eye. He looked exactly how he did before the transformation, though the red in his hair was still dyed black and his white eye never returned to normal. The new scar, however, was thankfully removed due to Dabi's pleading.

Expressions were a little difficult for Todoroki to attain, however. His face and eyes were always expressionless whenever he spoke to anyone, but Shigaraki saw this defect as a plus, though Dabi took it harder.

Every night of every raid Nomu Todoroki goes through, Dabi proceeds to try and hope he can emerge the emotions Todoroki used to have back then, when he would cry from pain and smile in Dabi's warm embrace, but every attempt was futile.

"There's no point in trying, Dabi," Todoroki pointed out, pushing out of the latter's tight embrace. "It won't happen."

Dabi let himself be pushed away as Todoroki exited his old bedroom, closing the door and joining Shigaraki at the bar lounge. Dabi wanted to keep trying, to hope he can somehow snap his younger brother back to his former self, but with Shigaraki around to order him around, there's no hope.

So, Dabi joined in the bar lounge, asking Kurogiri for another shot as they gradually piled up, his mind swirling and eyes wandering. Toga tried talking to him, trying to liven up the mood as best as she could, but Dabi wasn't in the mood. He felt defeated and heartbroken, wanting to drown his sorrows in liquor.

The static flat-screen TV mounted on the wall of the warehouse buzzed, red letters displaying Audio Only in the center. Shigaraki shushed everyone, sitting in a red cushion stool closest to the TV.

"Boss," Shigaraki called in his raspy, hoarse voice.

"Tomura, my boy. If now's a good time, I'd like to see your Nomu in my lab. A special Quirk has come into my possession, and I feel this will make him unstoppable."

Shigaraki smirked, lightly chuckling, "Of course. He'll be there right away." The screen fizzed out, returning to its natural black state as Shigaraki turned in his seat, facing Todoroki. "Kurogiri, make a portal to Boss's hideout. Nomu, follow me."

Kurogiri made a portal, Todoroki following close behind Shigaraki as they disappeared through the portal, it closing after them and leaving the others in silence.


All for One stood before Nomu Todoroki, eyes wandering over his figure in a curious and pleasing manner, "His body should be able to hold another Quirk, though I'm not sure how well he'll cope with this one." All for One touched Todoroki's shoulder, transferring a hybrid Quirk that caused Todoroki's breath to hitch, his body spasming until All for One released him, taking a step back as Todoroki regained his breath, lightly trembling.

Shigaraki hummed, "What Quirk did you give him? Nothing seems different than before."

All for One chuckled, "It's called 'Time Glitch.' It allows the user to revert or fast-forward time while simultaneously allowing him to teleport or 'glitch' anywhere within ten miles, anything touching him able to glitch, as well. I'll give you an example." He turned to Todoroki, who had stopped shaking. "Nomu, go forward thirty minutes."

Todoroki obeyed, lifting his forearm where a clear set of glowing blue numbers ticked by every second like a clock. He pressed his finger on the arrow above the minute's duration, tapping it until the original number twelve turned to forty-two. When he reached the number, he pressed a circular button to the right of the clock, resulting in outside becoming slightly brighter than before.

"Good, good," All for One praised. "Now, Nomu, glitch behind Tomura."

Todoroki's image fazed out, disappearing as Shigaraki looked behind him, seeing Todoroki staring at him with glowing eyes.

Shigaraki smirked, "What an interesting Quirk, Boss. I'm sure this will make him quite powerful."

All for One wagged a finger, "Though, there are some limitations to it. Whenever he changes time, his skin will gradually decay, so don't use his Time Quirk too much. The glitch part may cause him to be disoriented and unresponsive if used too frequently, potentially frying his brain and killing him."

Shigaraki nodded, "Alright. I'll only use this Quirk for emergencies. After all, he has plenty of other Quirks to attack and defend with."

All for One smirked, "Indeed. Now that I successfully transferred his Quirk, you are free to leave. Nomu, return to headquarters. Tomorrow will be a special day."


Hell yeah, the sequel is out! Due to popular demand, this will be a TodoBaku ship! Thanks for the support in my first book and enjoy the sequel (just a hint that the book will be a lot shorter than the first book)!

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