Chapter 5: News

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During the days where 1-A used to have class, Bakugo tried to practice his new commands for Todoroki. Since it was too dangerous to go outside, the ash-blond settled with simple commands.

"Nomu, put your forefinger on your nose," Bakugo ordered, watching as Todoroki quietly but quickly booped his own nose. Bakugo smirked, enjoying his authority against Todoroki. "Nomu, who am I?"

Todoroki didn't hesitate to speak, "You're my classmate, Katsuki Bakugo. Student number seventeen and the oldest in our class with an explosive Quirk." His voice sounded automated, making Bakugo slightly pissed. "You are also in custody of me, making you my master."

This is so fucking kinky, Bakugo thought, shifting on the bed until he was inches from Todoroki's face, "What happened to your right eye?"

"I don't know."

The ash-blond did not approve of that answer, "How do you not know? Did that Shigaraki guy do it to you?"

"I can't tell you."

Bakugo grew angry, "Nomu, tell me what Shigaraki did to you."

Todoroki blinked, "But I don't know what he did."

The ash-blond was furious, "How the hell do you not know?! You were there! He turned you into a fucking Nomu! How can you not remember what the did to you?!"

The Nomu backed away, "I-I don't know." He backed away from Bakugo on the bed, his expression dead but the clear fear in his eyes. He thought he was going to get punished again for disobeying an order, lashed with a whip or burned. Todoroki's wings sprouted to cover himself, forming a ball around him protectively as Bakugo's anger faltered. "I'm sorry. I really don't know."

Bakugo sighed, rubbing his temple, "No, it's fine. I shouldn't pry like that. Just, come out. I won't hurt you." He extended his hand to Todoroki, about to touch his wings until porcupine spikes jutted out from his wings, making Bakugo snap back and nearly fall off the bed. "The hell?! How many Quirks do you have?!" He took a deep breath. "Okay, it's fine. Nomu, just...calm down. I won't hurt you."

The spikes receded, his wings lowering as Todoroki used them as a blanket, still wary as he gazed at Bakugo's hands laying in his lap.

Bakugo decided the commands will have to wait, as he wasn't good at keeping Todoroki's unstable mentality at bay. He debated whether to bring him downstairs with the others or keep him in his room, but his mind couldn't think of an answer.

"Is there something you want to do that the League wouldn't let you do?" Bakugo asked, eyeing Todoroki with watchful and weary eyes.

Todoroki retracted his wings, silent for a moment as he shifted uncomfortably, "Dabi wasn't allowed to comfort me whenever Shigaraki or Toga hurt me for disobeying. I-I like to be hugged; to know everything will be okay." He seemed embarrassed to ask Bakugo of all people for a hug. "You don't have to if you're uncomfortable with it."

Bakugo drew in for a hug, securing his arms around Todoroki's waist as the latter snuggled into his warmth, "It's okay to ask for comfort whenever you're feeling unsafe. Though, you can't tell any of the extras I let you or they'll think I'm soft."

"Okay. I promise," Todoroki stated, a fluffy fox tail suddenly sprouting from his back. It wagged to his emotions, brushing against Bakugo's hand and startling the boy.

"What w—a tail?" Bakugo glared at the fluffy tail that wagged vigorously. "I mean, of course, you have a tail. What else is surprising?"

Todoroki didn't answer, basking in the ash-blond student's warmth as another tail popped out, then another until nine were wagging excitedly. He smiled, leaning forward until he pressed Bakugo to the bed, his face snuggled into the crook of Bakugo's neck.

"You're so warm, Bakugo. I like it a lot." Todoroki closed his eyes, the tails retracting back into thin air. "You changed since I came back. I like the new Bakugo."

Bakugo found it insulting but stayed quiet about it, "Yeah, thanks, I guess. You changed, too, you know, excluding the Nomu part. I think that healing shit is working." He ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair, the other rubbing soft circles on his back. "Anyway, you should get some sleep. Pinky is having a welcome-back slumber party for you, and I need you well-rested."

"Okay." Todoroki adjusted, trying to cuddle closer to Bakugo. "Goodnight, Bakugo."

"Yeah, goodnight, Halfie."


Aizawa had decided the next day to check in with Todoroki's progress. He brought along Recovery Girl, gathering all the students in the lounge so they could hear his recovery time.

Todoroki was anxious. He didn't like the number of students in the room, small feathered wings sprouting to cover himself as he clung onto Bakugo's arm, who rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the gasps and aw's from his annoying classmates.

Recovery girl extracted a syringe from her pocket, setting off Todoroki as Aizawa erased his Quirks, Recovery Girl quickly taking some blood from Todoroki. The Nomu gripped onto Bakugo, hating the metal in his arm as the ash-blond tried to calm him down with back rubs and stroking his hair gently.

Recovery Girl smiled, taking out the syringe, "You did great, Todoroki. It's over now."

Todoroki opened his eyes, noticing the needle gone and out of sight as his arm throbbed, but he smiled from the praise, a tail popping out and wagging to his emotions.

"Awww, so cuuute!!" Ashido shouted, the girls swooning over Todoroki as they played with his tail and complimented him, his smile growing larger as Bakugo chuckled, leaning on his hand to try and get sleep that Todoroki decided he didn't need in the night. "Yaomomo, join us! His tail is so fluffy!!"

Yaoyorozu smiled awkwardly, leaning over the back of the couch as Todoroki's tail landed in her hand, flickering to her touch. She loved the feeling, playing with it until she squeezed a little too hard, making Todoroki jump as she quickly retracted back, "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Aizawa watched Todoroki intently as he showed more emotions than ever, smiling and laughing while Bakugo passed out on the couch, Kirishima and Midoriya trying to wake him up.

"Fuck you, Deku..." he mumbled, swatting Midoriya's hand away. "Let me sleep for one hour..."

Todoroki noticed Aizawa staring at him, growing slightly uncomfortable as his tail retracted and feathered wings covered himself.

"Aw, Aizawa-sensei, you're scaring him!" Ashido whined, mesmerized by the red and white wings hiding Todoroki from everyone. "He's not doing anything suspicious!"

Recovery Girl came back into the room, everyone now noticing she left a few moments prior as her smile was wide and bright, "It turns out Todoroki is healing quite well. He should be back to normal in about a month from now." She turned to Bakugo, noticing he was asleep before turning back to Aizawa. "If any of you see any changes in his behavior or appearance, please notify a teacher or me. Shota?"

Aizawa nodded, glaring at his students, "All of you get ready for bed. I'll allow you to sleep in the lounge from this great news, but I don't want to see anyone snacking or yelling." He and Recovery Girl left, Todoroki retracting his wings as Bakugo got tired of the constant poking Kirishima did to his cheek.

The class ran to their rooms and gathered items for their mini slumber party in the lounge, Bakugo standing to grab his and Todoroki's until he felt a tug on his sleeve, "What do you want, Halfie? I'll be right back."

"May I come with you?" he asked, already standing next to Bakugo and ready to follow. "Please?"

Bakugo rolled his eyes and beckoned for Todoroki to follow, the two heading to the elevator towards their rooms for the slumber party.


I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I'm not really proud of how this plot is going, but I'll try my best to make it better!

Thank you for the support in this book! ❤

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