Chapter 8: Resurface

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Todoroki's condition seemed to have improved in the past few days, though Bakugo noticed he had a slight case of Little Space, pleased by the smallest and most childish things. He didn't like what the old Todoroki liked, finding interest in what Bakugo took joy in unless it involved being rude or cocky.

In Bakugo's room, Todoroki snuggled against him, feeling safe in the hold of Bakugo's arms while a hand played with his hair, mixing then parting the black and white.

"I really like you, Bakugo," Todoroki admitted, smiling as Bakugo showered him with kisses and love bites, occasionally giggling when one tickled. "When I'm back to normal, will you still like me?"

Bakugo thought it was a ridiculous question, "Of course. Just because your different now doesn't mean I'll love you any less later. Remember that, because I'm not saying it again." He drew Todoroki's lips to his, letting his tongue slide in and explore his mouth before parting and drawing the latter to his chest. "Get some sleep for me, okay? You look tired."

The Nomu shook his head, "I don't want to. I want to cuddle with you. You're warm." He felt an arm secure around his waist, pulling him closer to the ash-blond.

"I'm not joking. Sleep or I'll make you."

Todoroki huffed, digging his face into the crook of Bakugo's neck, his nitroglycerin smell of caramel calming him down, "Goodnight. Love you."

"Yeah yeah, love you too, Halfie."


The following morning came rather quickly for Bakugo's taste. He shut off the alarm he accidentally had set, waking at six for his usual time to prepare for school, but since school wasn't a priority anymore, he decided to try and go back to sleep.

"Morning, Bakugo," Todoroki whispered, giving him a light kiss on the cheek as he turned on a desk lamp for minimal light. "Did you sleep well? I dreamt of the League."

The ash-blond groaned but woke up, rubbing his eyes as he noticed Todoroki already dressed, "Fine, I guess. How long have you been up?"


Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the Nomu, who gave him an innocent smile that proved he didn't see anything wrong with waking at one in the morning, let alone only acquiring three hours of sleep, "You need more sleep than that, but right now, I need to change, so brush your teeth and whatever."

Todoroki slid off the bed, doing as told while Bakugo changed into a black tank top and shorts, using a spare brush on his dresser to untangle the mats and tangles in his hair, the spike of his hair fixed by a simple blast with his Quirk.

He joined Todoroki in the bathroom, brushing his teeth next to him until they both finished, deciding to head down to the lounge and snuggle until the others came down.

Bakugo turned on the TV to a random channel, letting it brighten the dark room and give white noise while Todoroki clung to him like a leech, laying his head on his shoulder.

"Halfie, my arm will fall asleep if you keep clinging like that," Bakugo complained, though he secretly didn't want him to move, liking the feeling of his warm skin against his.

Todoroki apologized but didn't make any hint of moving, though he loosened his grip to let blood flow back into the ash-blond's arm, feeling fingers comb through his dualed hair.

Bakugo sighed, growing bored by the TV as he grabbed Todoroki's attention, loving how the screen lit up one side of his face. Out of desperation and boredom, Bakugo pressed his lips against the latter's, earning a squeak from the other that only urged him to continue, his hands tangled in Todoroki's.

He pulled apart as quickly as it came, ruffling Todoroki's hair and mixing the two colors while the latter whined and complained, trying to fix it but having no such luck. To atone for it, he drew the outline of a brush in the air with his finger, letting the image fade into life before parting his hair with it, though Bakugo rolled his eyes and decided to get a few more hours of sleep while Todoroki was busy.

"Bakugo?" he asked, ridding any chance of the ash-blond getting rest.

"What?" he retorted, his arm propping his head on the armrest as he felt Todoroki shift somewhat uncomfortably next to his feet. "You seem nervous."

The Nomu hummed, "I have this strange feeling to cut. Is that normal?"

Bakugo shot up, taking ahold of both Todoroki's hands as the latter gave him a quizzical look, his head tilted slightly to the side.

"...Bakugo? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." The younger male shrank in on himself, feeling guilty over making Bakugo upset, but the latter didn't know what to do when it came to depression, let alone someone telling him they want to cut. "Should I have not said that? I'm really sorry. Don't hurt me."

Bakugo shook his head, drawing Todoroki into a hug, pressing the Nomu's head to his shoulder, "I'll never hurt you, and you did nothing wrong, but thank you for telling me this. How long have you felt this...urge?"

Todoroki immediately answered, "Just a few minutes ago. I felt my arms throbbing at the thought and I didn't know what to do. Is this bad?"

The older student stroked his hair and rubbed his back, giving him a soft and gentle kiss on the neck, "No, you're okay. Just...don't cut. Always come to me when you feel the urge to cut, okay?"

Todoroki perked up, tightening his hold on Bakugo with a smile, "Okay. What about the voices? Do I listen to them?"

"Never listen to them. They're trying to hurt you. Come to me if they come, too. I don't want you to get hurt again." Bakugo retracted from the embrace, running his thumb over Todoroki's cheek then glancing down at his bare arms, seeing the dark scars of his previous cutting.

He'll make sure Todoroki never cuts again, and he'll be damned if that were to happen on his watch.


Sorry for the long wait. Got no excuse.

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