Chapter 9: Replay (end)

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Bakugo managed Todoroki's urges for the past few months on their time together, and thankfully, Todoroki seemed to have shed his Little Space, yet he still had some hints of depression that Bakugo knew he couldn't get rid of alone. The only problem was, what the hell were they gonna do when over half the population in Musutafu is dead?

Aizawa didn't have a clue on what he could do besides keeping his students safe in the dorms, but even then, there's only so much time Dabi can spare them until the League comes for them. Todoroki hasn't been relaxed since he finally returned to normal, worried about Dabi's safety despite his own.

The rest of Class 1-A was restless, as well. Each one tried watching TV, play games, or anything to distract themselves from the apocalyptic world just beyond the doors, but it wasn't as easy as they had hoped, especially when Todoroki still carried the various Quirks and memories All for One had beaten into him.

Thankfully, because of the many unknown Quirks Todoroki possessed, 1-A was able to distract themselves long enough to decay the stress that had built in every one of their systems.

"Ooh, do the Diagram one!" Kaminari exclaimed, he and the rest of the Bakusquad circling around Todoroki, who outlined a phone charger and gave Kaminari the end result. "Woah! That's awesome! It's like Yaomomo's Quirk!" He busied himself by using the phone charger to charge his phone, the prongs in his mouth. "And it's compatible for my phone! Awesome!!"

Yaoyorozu smiled and asked Todoroki the limitations to the Quirk, receiving understanding information as Midoriya began frantically writing in his Hero Analysis notebook.

Bakugo leaned on the couch towards Todoroki's ear, a smirk on his face as he whispered, "Do my favorite."

Todoroki glanced at him, a small smile on his face as his fingers turned white and hard, cracking into bone-like claws with sharp talons. The others cooed and awed at the Quirk, which was later referred to as "Bone Claw."

"Just like my Quirk!" Kirishima exclaimed, hardening his skin and connecting his knuckled harshly together in front of himself. "That's so manly, bro! Maybe sometime we can brawl and see whose is the strongest!"

Todoroki nodded to his request, earning a teasing and discrete nip on his ear from Bakugo while the other weren't looking, "I'm still not sure why you like that one, Bakugo. Is it because if reminds you of Kirishima?"

Bakugo acted offended, "Hell no! I like it because it's resistant to my explosions, making you a harder opponent to beat. The thought alone sends thrills down my spine."

Todoroki rolled his eyes, the girls crowding around him once again.

"Do you have a pretty Quirk?" Tsuyu asked, Hagakure, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, and Ashido waiting for his answer with a gleam in their eyes. "Like a flower Quirk or something calming?"

Todoroki thought for a moment, lifting his left hand before a sphere of water accumulated, frosting it over with his right hand to create a transparent ice ball that had Tsuyu's eyes sparking. He gave it to her, informing her it shouldn't melt since his ice seemed to have upgraded while with the League.

"Ooh, can I have a present from Todoroki?!" Ashido exclaimed, the other girls joining in along with a few boys. Todoroki smiled at the offers, drawing a diagram of a limited edition All Might figurine for Midoriya, who began to cry and thank Todoroki with a strong hug, though Bakugo began to fight him for the gift. A necklace of pink feathers was given to Ashido, made from a chain Todoroki had created with Diagram and the feathers from his Wing Quirk, which earned him a thoughtful kiss that made Bakugo's blood boil. Hagakure was offered a makeshift stuffed owl, her verbal thanks already enough for Todoroki as he gave Yaoyorozu a set of diamond earrings, Uraraka a twelve pack of mochi, and Jiro some new expensive headphones.

Aizawa watched from afar at his students gushing over Todoroki's new abilities, but he didn't like how Todoroki still had them, to begin with. His hands were still dirty from murder with those same Quirks, yet he's using them to make others smile, and though Aizawa knows he should be grateful that Todoroki knew how to use them for good, it didn't sit well in him how easily accustomed 1-A was to him, as though he didn't just bring upon an apocalypse.

He didn't dwell on it too much. Todoroki's Quirks would be helpful to restore the world to its former self and take down the League, so until that was sorted out, he let his students distract themselves and be happy in dire times.


Aizawa had gathered every Pro Hero left alive from the League's raid, meeting in the lounge of the dorms with Todoroki and Bakugo accompanying them for information (or more, Bakugo was there to keep Todoroki calm during the questionnaires). There weren't many Heroes, maybe around ten or fifteen, but he didn't dwell on the dwindling numbers. Now was the time to take down the League of Villains before they come for them.

The adults talked most of the time, figuring out ways to stop them while Todoroki and Bakugo listened intently, quiet amongst the adults with Bakugo giving Todoroki's arm reassuring rubs. They connected gazes for a few seconds, both nodding in understanding to be brave when the time to ask questions came.

Aizawa had stopped the chatter with a single hand raise, waiting until all murmurs were reduced to silence before eyeing his two students, "Despite what we know, it won't be enough to stop them, so I've brought Todoroki, the sole witness and key to their devastating plans, hoping he can shed some light on the League's intention and power. Todoroki?"

Todoroki took a breath, eyeing the few Pro Heroes in the room as he felt Bakugo weave his fingers through his, his thumb caressing his palm. He was alright. Everything will be fine. Just tell them everything you remember with the villains and their plans.

He knew everything like the pack of his hand.

"Despite the dark sky shimmering with twinkling stars and the waft of a midnight breeze, blood didn't make anything look pretty in red..."


The End! Thank you for reading!

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