Chapter 6: Sleepover

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Now we getting some of that fluff.


"Icyhot, stop clinging to me! I'm not leaving you behind!" Bakugo shouted, trying to pry off Todoroki's arms from his own as they made it out of the elevator towards the lounge. Everyone already prepared their pillows and blankets, many littering the ground with a single spot on the couch just for Bakugo and Todoroki.

Todoroki released Bakugo, feeling unsafe but decided not to complain as he sat on the couch next to Bakugo, dressed in light blue pajamas like everyone else in the lounge.

"Aw, I wanna sit by Todoroki!" Ashido whined, cuddling her pink pillow and blanket as Yaoyorozu took the empty spot next to Todoroki, shrugging her shoulders as though she couldn't change spots. "Yaomomo, that's not fair!"

"But it's cooler near Todoroki during the night! I don't like sweating in my sleep!" Yaoyorozu whined, making all the girls start arguing, including some of the guys.

Bakugo grew angry, his palms starting to spark, "Everyone shut up! You're giving me a damn headache!"

Todoroki was startled when Kaminari flopped over the backrest of the couch, frost gliding up his arm and covering the right side of his face.

"Whoa, sorry, Todoroki! Didn't mean to scare you!" Kaminari apologized, sliding off the couch before taking a seat on the ground next to Sero and Kirishima.

Bakugo leaned to whisper in Todoroki's ear, "Calm down. They won't hurt you."

Todoroki nodded, melting the frost from his arm and face before wrapping his arms around Bakugo's, relaxing his head in the crook of the ash-blond's neck. He earned many aw's from the girls, growing red before hiding his face in embarrassment.

The movie started as popcorn was passed around to each group of students, though Bakugo declined and threw the blankets over him and Todoroki, drawing the Nomu in so he was sitting in his lap. The room was dark and Bakugo made sure nobody sat next to Todoroki because of their arguing, so he didn't worry about others seeing him cuddling with the Nomu, though he didn't care if he was spotted, anyway.

"Um, Bakugo?" Todoroki whispered, lifting his head until his eyes met with ruby ones. "Thank you for taking care of me."

Bakugo looked away in embarrassment, his cheeks tinted pink, "Yeah, whatever. Don't expect me to be nice to you all the time."

"Okay." Todoroki laid his head back down, feeling an arm wrap around his waist. The two-toned student looked up to see Bakugo's face flushed as he continued to watch the movie, making Todoroki smile and snuggle closer to his chest.

The movie was picked as horror, but Todoroki wasn't scared in the least. He had to maul and tear apart people back with the League, unfazed by blood and open flesh, making him grow tired. He adjusted himself, laying on his side before closing his eyes, feeling Bakugo's arm support his back with his hand on Todoroki's, their fingers weaving together under the blanket.

The Nomu felt safe in Bakugo's hold, as though it was an ordinary day after school, no defects to his mind and no lives taken from his hands. Todoroki loved being in the presence of someone who genuinely cared for him besides Dabi, who couldn't comfort him because of his job as a villain.

The ash-blond laid his head on Todoroki's, keeping his eyes on the screen but smiling as Todoroki fell asleep in his grasp, his breathing evening out and his hold loosening from his hand.


"Shh, don't wake them up. We'll never get to see this again if you get caught."

"Why does the ikémen always get the good stuff?!"

"Shut up, Sero."

Todoroki blinked, his eyes squinted from blinding lights as he noticed everyone crowding in front of him, phones out to take pictures.

"Oh shit, he woke up!" Kirishima exclaimed, pocketing his phone as though he never had it out. "Hey, Todoroki! Good morning! Did you sleep well? Pff, were you comfortable?" He struggled to contain laughter as Todoroki grew confused, noticing he was trapped in Bakugo's loving embrace.

He nodded to Kirishima's last question, "Bakugo's lap is soft and warm, so I slept really well."

Midoriya wrote the information down in his notes under "Kacchan."

"...Why is everyone staring?" The Nomu grew uncomfortable with everyone staring at him, clutching the blanket and shrinking into the ash-blond's chest. "Um, Bakugo?" He nudged Bakugo, making the others panic and scatter as the ash-blond grumbled under his breath, waking up.

"What?" he asked, his voice low and scratchy as he yawned and rubbed his eyes of sleep.

"Everyone was staring at me and they won't tell me why."

Bakugo growled at the few classmates he could spot hiding behind the corner of the walls and kitchen, "Why the fuck are you all staring at him?! Do you have a death wish?!" He drew Todoroki closer to him, rubbing his back under the blankets to ease him while the others mumbled apologies. "That's what I thought! Now scram!"

Everyone didn't want to deal with Bakugo's anger so early in the morning, quickly heading back upstairs and leaving Todoroki and Bakugo alone.

"Nobody will stare at you, anymore. I'll make sure of it," Bakugo promised, pressing Todoroki's head to his chest.

The Nomu smiled, a fluffy tail sprouting as it wagged to his emotions, "Thank you." He wrapped his arms around the ash-blond's neck, digging his face into the crook as Bakugo rolled his eyes and stroked his hair, separating the two colors that intersected while he was asleep.

"Don't let them do what they want. If you're uncomfortable by them staring, tell them. They'll listen to you." Bakugo laid his head on the Nomu's. "If they don't, come to me. I'll deal with them and make sure they listen."

Another tail sprouted, wagging beside the other, "Okay."

Bakugo smirked at him, "Good." He lifted Todoroki's chin before giving him a gentle yet heated kiss.

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