Chapter 7: Smile

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Smut warning. This gets a little intense, so prepare your anus for some BakuBottom and a dominant peppermint.


Todoroki melted into the kiss, his two tails wagging vigorously as he was pinned to the couch, their tongues playing and saliva mixing. Bakugo gripped Todoroki's hair, lightly tugging it as he felt Todoroki's leg grind between his legs, creating friction on his growing hard-on.

They parted, a string of saliva connecting their tongues as Todoroki drew in for another, feverishly longing for the ash-blond's taste and touch.

"Halfie—wait, Halfie!" Bakugo exclaimed, cut off as Todoroki drew in for another, their bodies pressed together in a heated makeout session. "Damnit, Nomu, wait a damn minute!"

Todoroki immediately stopped, his tails retracting back into thin air as he solemnly looked at Bakugo, the ash-blond's saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Bakugo sighed, rubbing his temple, "Don't give me that look. If we're gonna do it, then at least in the bedroom where we have privacy. I don't want any of those extras seeing us."

Todoroki perked up, taking Bakugo's hand and leading him up to the fifth floor.

In Todoroki's dorm room, the Nomu locked the door as Bakugo took off his shirt, tossing it onto the ground as Todoroki crawled on top of him, waiting for permission.

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead, bastard. Do whatever you want as long as I feel good."

The two-tone nodded, smiling as he leaned down and planted kisses along Bakugo's neck, breathing hot air into his ear before nipping the tip and grinding down below. Bakugo's breath became warped and raspy to Todoroki's touch, his face red and flushed as he let Todoroki touch him all over, hands gliding up and down his chest with lust and need.

The younger male stripped off his own shirt, unzipping his pants and Bakugo's with clouded eyes, the white appearing gray like it originally looked like before. Todoroki took out Bakugo's member, taking it whole as his saliva coated it for a lube alternative, hearing Bakugo's muffled and strangled moans erupt from his mouth.

Todoroki felt a hand comb through his hair, eventually pressing his head forward as he took in every inch, cum filling his mouth as extra dribbled down his chin.

"Shit..." Bakugo breathed out, relaxing his head back on the pillow as Todoroki swallowed all his cum, panting. "You can continue...ha..."

Todoroki sat up, using his finger to outline a condom, finishing before the imaginary image appeared in the air, dropping into his hand. He ripped it open with his mouth, lustful eyes staring down Bakugo as he slid it on his shaft, lifting the ash-blond's leg and laying it on his shoulder.

"May I please penetrate you?" Todoroki asked, his shaft aligned with Bakugo's whole as he waited for an answer.

The ash-blond grew red from Todoroki's request, avoiding eye-contact as he nodded slowly, "...Do what you want."

The Nomu nodded, smiling as he slowly entered Bakugo, watching his reaction and panicking whenever Bakugo seemed to be in pain.

"Are you okay, Bakugo? Does it hurt? I'm sorry," Todoroki apologized, ready to pull out until Bakugo clasped a hand on his shoulder. "Bakugo?"

"I'm fine. Just start moving," Bakugo hissed, his arm covering his mouth in embarrassment. "G-Go a little rough, too. I can take it."

Todoroki nodded wearily, moving until Bakugo moaned, signaling he was feeling good and to go faster. He pounded the latter, a dog tail popping out from excitement as he slammed in and out of Bakugo, feeling a strange stir in his stomach that made him nervous.

"E-Eh, Bakugo, I feel weird. Really weird," Todoroki admitted, his face extremely red and sweating as the feeling only grew. "Baku—"

"It's called 'cumming,' you dense ass!" Bakugo hissed, his voice staggering from pleasure as he gripped tightly onto the bedsheets. "I'm gonna cum, too, so go harder!"

The Nomu obeyed, pumping a few more times before he pressed something inside Bakugo, making the ash-blond scream as cum littered the bedsheets. Todoroki did the same, filling the condom until the built-up pleasure died down, pulling out and tossing the condom while Bakugo shakily zipped his pants and threw on his shirt.

"Did I do good?" Todoroki asked, adjusting his clothes before hugging Bakugo, his tail wagging from the warmth the ash-blond admitted.

Bakugo blushed, avoiding eye-contact with a glare, "I felt good, so you did well."

Todoroki smiled at the praise, digging his face into Bakugo's shoulder, "I'm glad!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes, a smirk plastered on his face as he returned the hug.


Due to their unholy acts, Bakugo was unable to walk properly, so Todoroki took the responsibility to help him downstairs to the bathroom and run him a bath, though a few of their classmates gave them curious glances, Kaminari knowing exactly what happened and therefore pleased to know two of the hottest guys were gay and not interested in the girls.

Todoroki gently laid Bakugo in the bath, his tail now gone as he volunteered to clean Bakugo, drawing a pill bottle in the air before it accumulated and fell into his hands, the label reading "pain killers."

"Can you please take this?" Todoroki asked, dumping a pill into his hand and offering it to Bakugo. "It'll help with the discomfort."

Bakugo took it quickly, using his saliva to wash it down while the Nomu washed his hair, enjoying the feeling of fingers running through it.

"I'm guessing that's another one of your Quirks?" Bakugo blurted, his eyes closed as he leaned into Todoroki's touch.

Todoroki thought for a moment, "Yes. Sh—Master gave me a Quirk called 'Diagram' so I can create useful things for him in a dire situation, though he only made me create things he likes. He said they were toys only adults used, but he didn't tell me what they were called."

Bakugo grew disgusted by Shigaraki's abuse on Todoroki's Quirk, "Okay, that's enough. I don't want to hear more than that."

Todoroki obeyed, washing the soap from Bakugo's hair before they finished, giving the ash-blond's his clothes and draining the bath.

"Um, can we cuddle in your room?" the Nomu asked, nervous as he fiddled with his thumbs. "It's okay if you don't want to."

Bakugo couldn't deny such a solemn and depressed expression, "Yeah, sure. If it makes you happy."

Todoroki smiled wide, embracing Bakugo, "Thank you!"


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