Chapter 3: Arrival

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The day arrived rather quickly. Aizawa had gotten a call from Shigaraki about returning Todoroki back to him. Bakugo was given the syringe, all his classmates ordered to stay in their rooms while he does his magic, though Bakugo had never been so nervous in his life. What if Todoroki immediately went rogue and killed him? He's a Nomu with a free mind, but that doesn't mean he can control what he thinks.

Aizawa was outside, waiting for Shigaraki to drop off Todoroki. A black-purple portal appeared, Shigaraki stepping out with Todoroki behind him. The raven tried not to stare at his warped student, knowing direct eye-contact may set Todoroki off.

"Alright, here he is. Be sure to take care of him~" Shigaraki left, the portal disappearing after him as Todoroki ambled closer to Aizawa, his gray eye replaced with white.

"Bakugo," Aizawa called, the double doors opening as Bakugo came out, hiding the syringe behind his back. "Do what you need to do."

Bakugo nodded, swallowing thickly as he neared Todoroki, who stared at him with cautious eyes. The ash-blond was a foot away, the syringe feeling rather cold in his grip.

"What do you want, Bakugo?" Todoroki asked, taking a cautious step back as his eyes narrowed. Bat-like wings sprouted from his back to intimidate Bakugo, who stumbled back. Aizawa quickly erased Todoroki's Quirk, the wings molding back as Bakugo quickly presented the syringe, putting Todoroki in a chokehold before injecting the needle in his neck, watching as the red liquid emptied from the chamber.

Todoroki's eyes widened, body shuddering as he withdrew a sharp and strangled inhale, passing out and caught in Aizawa's capture weapon. Bakugo dropped the syringe, running over to Aizawa and scanning Todoroki now held bridal-style in the teacher's arms.

"If what Dabi said is true, we need to keep Todoroki safe and avoid provoking him. Locking him in his room would be best, but we can't keep Todoroki there forever," Aizawa stated, glancing down as Todoroki broke into a sweat, his temperature rising significantly. "Bakugo, grab supplies to deal with his fever while I settle him in your room. He needs someone with him at all times and you seem fit for it." Aizawa ambled back into the dorms, Todoroki in his arms as Bakugo followed, his mind swirling with questions and concerns.

To rid the thoughts, Bakugo took supplies from the medical closet in the bathroom, rushing to the elevator and to his own room on the fourth floor. While the elevator took its time, Bakugo thought about Dabi's words:

"Once he is returned to you, please talk to him; get Shoto to open up and break through the walls Shigaraki build inside his mind."

The elevator doors opened as Bakugo ambled to his dorm room, seeing the door open wide with Aizawa inside, sitting in a desk chair as Todoroki laid in Bakugo's bed, breathing heavily with a rag over his forehead.

Aizawa noticed Bakugo, ushering him in and taking the supplies from the student's arms, proceeding to give medicine to Todoroki in hopes of lowering the fever, "He should be fine for now, but when he wakes up, do whatever Dabi wants you to do. I'll inform the others not to provoke or startle Todoroki in any way to ensure he doesn't lose control, but just know I can't control every one of your classmates. It's your job to keep him company and ease him while he recovers." Aizawa stood, facing the door and placing a hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "Be sure he doesn't cut or try to kill himself, either. He may still have depression, so try and comfort him when he needs it." Aizawa left through the door without another word.

Bakugo eyed Todoroki, who seemed to have calmed his breathing but still had a flushed face. The ash-blond sat in his desk chair, placing a hand over the rag on Todoroki's forehead, allowing the pressure to cool him off quicker.

"Cold..." Todoroki mumbled, a series of coughs following. "So cold..."

Bakugo blinked, wondering how he could warm Todoroki up. A blanket already covered him along with the heater blowing warm air. Bakugo sighed, deciding to use his own body temperature to warm up Todoroki.

He ambled to the other side of the bed, sliding under the covers and pressing Todoroki to his chest, feeling the two-toned student's hands curled between them for warmth. Bakugo ran a hand through the young student's black and white hair. It was soft and silky, though a few strands stuck to the rag.

Todoroki pulled Bakugo closer to him, enjoying the warmth he emitted as he slowly fell asleep, his breathing evening out to quiet snores.

Bakugo stayed still, unable to process what was going on. Todoroki, a Nomu and rival, is sleeping curled against his chest. Someone Bakugo thought died by the hands of Endeavor or pronounced missing is now in his arms, sleeping rather peacefully with long eyelashes, flawless skin, plush lips...

Bakugo mentally smacked himself, ridding the thoughts from his mind, but he found himself gazing down on Todoroki, noticing his hair was slightly longer than before, the slightest darker shade of a new scar over his right eye, and the ever-so-slight creases of stress and bags under his eyes.

After an hour, Todoroki finally woke up, noticing the presence of another person near him. He sat up, the rag slipping from his forehead and onto his lap as he noticed Bakugo sleeping next to him. He grew confused, scanning the room before realizing he wasn't at the League's hideout, growing scared and nervous as his body trembled.

Bakugo woke from the constant shifting on the bed, noticing Todoroki was trembling, head snapping around the room as his hands gripped tightly onto the blankets.

"Hey, hey, Halfie, calm down," Bakugo eased, placing a hand gently onto the latter's shoulder, making Todoroki jolt and smack his hand away, wings sprouting from his back. "Whoa, calm down! It's me, Bakugo! Your classmate!"

Todoroki stared at him, eyes wide and glowing in the darkness. Bakugo placed a hand on his cheek, Todoroki leaning into the warmth as his wings retracted, eyes ceasing to glow.

"You're okay." Bakugo drew Todoroki into a hug, rubbing his back and feeling every bone in the latter's body. "Let's get you something to eat, okay? Do you want cold soba?"

Todoroki nodded slowly, feeling Bakugo slid out of his grip. He drew Bakugo back, tightening his hold to ensure the ash-blond wouldn't leave him.

"Icyhot, I have to go downstairs if you want soba," Bakugo stated, feeling Todoroki trembling in his grasp. "Hey, it's okay. I won't be gone for long. Just get some sleep, okay? You still have a fever." The older male gently pushed Todoroki down against the bed, pulling up the covers and placing the rag on his forehead. "I promise to be back as soon as possible." Bakugo slid off the bed, leaving through the door and leaving Todoroki alone.

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