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Hi, readers~! How are you doing? I hope this chapter will be good. If you thought that the previous chapter was sad, than prepare yourself, cause it's gonna get worse. Don't worry, this chapter is going to be really soft. There won't be much sadness in it! Well, whatever... On with the story!


The room was filled with sorrow and anger. I showed my past by making a projection on the wall, making it seem like a movie. All my comrades were crying and glaring at the heroes. The hatred for the heroes seem to rise even more. Aizawa's face was filled with disbelief. All might was sitting there, tears streaming his face. I felt regret coming from him. I sighed and closed my eyes. All my com- I mean, family was wrapped in my wings, making them warm. I ditched the heroes though. "Should I continue?" I asked. They nodded. I had a smile on my face. Not out of happiness, but out of sadness.


I was lying on my bed, starving. When I thought this day couldn't be worse, I realized it was morning. I gasp, realizing that I needed to go to school. I climbed out of my bed. My feet touched the cold tile. I couldn't even get a carpet. I sighed. I had to go to school, which I call, hell. I slid on my uniforms, wincing. The wounds from yesterday ached. I got up and started to head upstairs. I opened the door and headed off to school. When I got there, nobody was there yet. I sat on my desk, looking outside. After a few moments, the class was filled with students. "Oh, look. Pathetic little brat! Why is she here anyways?" the students murmured. I sighed and sat there, ignoring the students. Today, we had to go to a trip. I put my bag on my back and walked down the hallway, following the teacher. I sat alone on the bus, looking at the view.

We finally arrived at the zoo. I got out of the bus and landed on the concrete face first. It was because all my classmates were pushing me off. I sighed and got back up with a bloody nose. Not like anyone cared. I rubbed the blood off with my sleeves. I walked around with my classmates. We finally arrived at the predator section. There were tigers, lions, alligators, and many more. I was bored, but at least it was a bit better than home. I realized one of my classmate coming towards me. She pushed me. I bet she didn't know, but the fence was rusty and old. I landed on it, making it break. I fell into... the alligators pond. I fell with a splash. I can't swim. No one can! I was only 5! Well, I think I am anyways. I suffocated. I can't yell for help, I was already sinking. I felt something grab onto the collar of my uniform. I got pulled up and onto the shore. I opened my eyes and saw a... alligator. I gasp and sat there, shaking. "Do not fear." I heard. I looked around. I only saw the alligator in front of me. "W-who?" I stuttered. The alligator walked towards me and growled. "It's me. Little princess, are you okay?" he growled in a gruff tone. I blinked and smacked myself. It's not a dream...

The guards were standing at the entrance, shaking. "Cowards." I whispered under my breath. I sighed and looked at the alligator. "What's your name?" I asked. "I don't have one. The other humans call me Mint." he sighed, grunting. I crawled towards him and hug his neck. Mint rubbed his head on mine, comforting me. A small tear landed on Mint. Mint then, let go of me, looking sad. The guards finally had the courage to come out. Mint stepped in front of me, growling. Though this situation confused me, I kept myself calm. It was like a mother, protecting its child. I hid behind Mint and whimpered. Suddenly, the zoo was in chaos. All the animals were growling and roaring in rage. I could hear their shouts. Were they... protecting me? I silently laughed at myself. So the only thing that cares for me in this whole world wasn't even a human. I began to break down and cry.

I was home. The guards managed to separate me and Mint. I was sad, but there was nothing I could do. I walked in the house. Father was drinking. I looked away and walked to my room, silently. I managed to do so and saw a... man. It was the man on TV! It was Hiro! My dull eyes began shining again. The man crouched down. I smiled brightly and pounced onto the man. I heard a crash from upstairs. I whimpered. "Save me." I whispered. The man looked at me with sympathy. Even though he was wearing a mask, I could feel his kindness. I vanished and found myself in a completely new place. I relaxed and fell asleep.

Hiro was standing there, sharpening his knives. He wore a dark red hoodie and a black mask. I walked to him and hugged him. Hiro faced me and chuckled. "Why did you save me?" I asked. Hiro flinched and looked at me with sadness. "You're just a child. I didn't want to see you hurt. You called me to save you, so I did." he sighed. I smiled, satisfied with his answer. I smiled and hugged onto him.

Many months passed. I started calling Hiro my dad. He was like a parent for me. He was very kind. He owned a orphanage where there were children that was abandoned by society. There were kids who had villainous quirks and there were also quirk less kids. They were nice to each other, sharing their pain. I felt at home. I felt happy. I owned many animals. Mint was still at the zoo, but he was always alone, so I always go to visit him. It is my birthday today. I still go to school, but a different one. I got home, happy. I was finally turning 6!

I opened the door to find my dad... on the floor... red puddles around him. Beside him was a group of heroes. I found my friends on the ground, dying. They were all so young, some even younger than me. "We finally found the villains hideout. We'll be paid so much money for this, we'll also get so popular! Right, Steel?" the heroes laughed. There I saw, my dad, laughing together with his friends. A hot... blood? I was crying bloody tears. I ran to the roof, shouting and crying. I yelled and cursed myself. "I wish I had died instead! I wish I was never born! I won't feel this broken! Oh... yeah! That's right! I can just end my pain!! I'll just kill myself! I'll see my dad, my friends! Yeah, yeah! That's right! I can go to the edge! I wanna DIE! I WANNA DIE!!!" I cackled and laughed. The laugh sounded terrifying, but it was music to my ears. I stood at the edge, looking down at the city. I took a leap, laughing and chuckling... SPLAT!!!!!!!!!


Hi! Thinking about it now... I'm surprised that I hadn't snapped a long time ago. Well, the song this time was 'I wanna die'. I know I used it twice, but who cares. Bye. *sigh* finally some rest!

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