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Hi, guys! Yes, finally it's the 20th chapter! Cheers! Okay, whatever. Anyways, enjoy!!!!


Deku's POV! Yay, everyone's favourite!

Aizawa wouldn't shut up!!!! Ryuu-nee had such a tragic past... 5 years old... the same age as me... One years later, her whole family was killed by heroes. I wonder how she feels right now. I sigh, waiting in front of class 1-A. Aizawa told us to wait till he called us inside. "So, we're going to be having new classmates. All of them are villains in rehabilitation. Please don't anger them. I'm already tired. Please come in and introduce yourself." he yawned. I sighed and went in together with my friends.

"Hi, my name is Twice, I hate you guys so much! No I don't!" he hissed. "Hi, I'm Magne... please don't ask my age." Magne sighed, scratching her head. "Kurogiri." Kuro sighed. "Tomura." Tomu-nii groaned while scratching his neck. Spinner and Mr.compress stopped him. "Hello, I'm spinner, and I'm gonna kill all the fake heroes and the ones who hurt my friends. I won't hesitate." spinner growled, venom in his voice. "Compress..." Mr.compress whispered. "Dabi." Dabi said in a monotone. "Toga! Stitchface is always gloomy!" Toga squealed. They got into a fight. "Calm down, jeesh." I sigh. "D-deku?" I heard. I turned around to see K-Bakugou. "Long time no see, Bakugou!" I growled, my voice filled with malice. Bakugou looks at me in disbelief. "Where were you?! Your father was so worr-!!" he began to yell. I let out a loud gasp and do a dramatic fall to the knees. "No way?! My 'dad' was searching for me?! He was worried?!! Now was he?!!!" I asked. Ryuu-nee pulled me into a hug and hushed. Spinner rubbed my back. It made me relax. Ryuu-nee glared at Bakugou and let go of me.

"Hello, everyone of class 1-A! We are the villains! I am the leader, and these are my friends! If you hurt them... you know what will happen... RIGHT?!" she said, full of blood lust. It sent chills down everyone's spines. She pulled her hoodie off and smiled. "My name is Ryuu! I was with you for a short while, but now I'm back! Also, don't try to talk or try to befriend us. We don't want to be here! Heroes just threatened us, you see?!" she giggled. Everyone looked so scared. To top it off, Ryuu-nee spread out her demonic wings. I was disgusted at some boys since they were blushing. I pulled my tongue out and sighed. Aizawa stopped us and sent us to our seat. Ryuu-nee's wings were a little small, but was still there.

It was lunch, and we all had a lunch box that Kuro and Ryuu-nee made us. Ryuu--nee has learnt cooking with Kuro and is really good at it. Kuro says she had already surpassed him. We all ate all of our food, it was just so~ delicious. Ryuu-nee smiled at us, which made us smile as well. We had to go back to class, and our happiness was gone... all because of All might. "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" he roared. All of the villains, aka, us, groaned. Ryuu-nee was crying sarcastically, making all of us chuckle. All the students were ignoring us, just like we asked them to. I yawned and hung my head low. We all walked to the changing room. When I was getting changed, I felt people staring. Probably at my scars. I sighed and turned around. "Please stop looking." I sighed. All of them turned around, while some didn't. Iida came up to me and poked on my shoulders, getting my attention. "Yes?" I asked, clearly angered. "Where'd you get those scars? Did the villains do those things to you? Did they brainwash you?" Iida asked, staring. "WHAT?!" I asked, making everyone freeze. "Oh, wow. You really thought that? Well, I'll tell you my little secret. MY FATHER DID THIS TO ME!" I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks. Tomu-nii hissed at them, hugging me tightly. "WHY DON'T YOU ALSO ASK BAKUGOU WHILE YOUR AT IT?!" I yelled. Every attention went to Bakugou, who just clenched his teeth and walked out.

The training was hilarious. I was on the heroes team. We had to 'rescue' the victim out of a building. I walked with Ryuu-nee, but eventually split up. I walked around and found... who was it again? I think it was... A... U... Oh, right! Uraraka! I walked up to her and cut her rope, but she hissed at me. "I'd rather die than be rescued by a villain!" she spat at me. I felt my heart sink a little, but it recovered. "Okay, have it your way." I sigh, leaving her alone. Uraraka just smirked behind me, which I didn't realize. I saw Ryuu-nee. I told her what happened, and apparently, the same happened to her too. She took her eye patch off and sighed. Her scars were as gruesome as always. Apparently, it was from when she commited suicide. I hate all those wannabe heroes! I hate everyone upon this cursed earth.

The time ran out, and when we came back, I saw all the students, glaring at me. I was puzzled. "Why did you attack Uraraka?" Iida asked. I was dumbfounded. "What the hell?!" I yelled. Ryuu-nee seemed unamused and bored. "How would you know that?" she asked. "Well, you injured Sero!" Kaminari shouted. Ryuu groaned and looked at All Might. "All might, you have the radio, right? Why don't you tell them the truth?" she asked. All might was still smiling like always. That annoying smile. "You guys attacked them." he replied. My eyes widened. This was worse than I thought. This is the first day of school, and this happens? "Oh, really? Well, I'm more than willing to share mine!" Ryuu giggled as she snapped her finger. A screen appeared on the wall, like when she showed us when she was in prison. "I'd rather die than be rescued by the... Blah, blah, blah." All might looked like he was in a panic. Everyone doubted them, but not as much. Aizawa heard of this, and he was enraged. "WHAT?!" he shouted. He stomped out of the class, heading towards the principal Nezu's office. I heard All might being scolded. Every villains did. We ran outside and laughed our lungs out. It was hilarious! The number 1 hero, scolded by other heroes.

Aizawa POV. (Yay, my favorite teacher and hero!)

These days, I'm wondering... are heroes really heroes? Look at All might! He just tried to frame the kids! I am really disappointed and angry. How could he?! How dare he?! If even the No.1 hero is like this, then society is corrupted... Maybe villains... isn't that bad...

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