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Yay! Finally, we can see what Ryuu's past is like! I also forgot to mention, Kurogiri was carried on a different van, but he's with Ryuu and everyone else right now.

Deku: Also, in this chapter, Ryuu's gonna be cra-

Okay, ENJOY!!!


Ryuu's POV!(Don't forget!)

We were in a cell right now, and it was my fault. I sighed, looking at my friends. Well, apparently, if I don't tell them my story, we can't get out of this place forever. It's mostly because they didn't find a document on me, and they really needed to know. Probably for the news and stuff. I let out a loud sigh and lay down on my back. "Hero~! Can you come here~! I'm ready to talk~!" I yell, making the guards annoyed. Aizawa came in, along with All might. "Where did the little mouse go?" I asked, sitting up. All might stood there, siently, while Aizawa tried to pull my hoodie off. I knew it was bothering him for ages. I hiss and pull it down myself. "There, happy now?" I asked, growling. Toga gasped and the rest of the league was staring at me. "You have a problem?" I asked. They shook their heads and looked at Aizawa. Aizawa sat down on the cold concrete floor and sighed.

"Ryuu, but you don't have to force it, just for us." Kurogiri sighed, guilt filling his eyes. I shook my head and smiled. "It's fine." I chuckled softly. Everyone looked like they were on the verge of crying. I cracked the cuffs off and everyone stood there, surprised. All might and Aizawa stepped back, and I put my hands up. "I have no intention of fighting, hero." I sighed, looking at them. I sat down and spread my wing comfortably. I wrapped everyone in my wings. "Prepare to stay awake, cause it's going to take a while for me to explain things... No, scratch that. It's gonna take ages." I chuckled. I opened my mouth, preparing to tell them... my story...

*Flashback.* (I'm not gonna cry.)

I ran and ran, gasping for air. It was raining and father was chasing me through the city. Tears fell, disappearing into thin air. My bare foot was scratched and scarred. The skins were all ripped off, making blood patterns on the floor. The concrete and gravel was rough and I don't know how many minutes I've been running, or how many times I had attempted to run. I turned around and a huge rock hit my face, making my nose bleed. "YOU STUPID MISTAKE! YOU DARE RUN FROM ME?!" father shouted, grabbing hold of my tattered hair and pulling me back to the house. I screamed for help, but you know what, the heroes didn't save me. Do you know why? It's all because my father was the current No.1 hero.

The stair slammed closed and father started to beat me like always. He then, threw me into the dark basement. I crouched into a corner and started crying silently. I'm just a child he found in the city, abandoned. He's been using me for stress relief. He always uses me as a punching bag. I don't remember anything before I was on the street. I just... found myself on the street... alone. Well, until he came. I sat back up and walked through the basement, searching for the only thing that was mine... my knife. I walked around trying to find it when I stepped on it. I smiled. I kneeled down and started cutting myself. First my arms, than my legs, then my torso, and finally, my neck. I hate pain, but I have to do this.My father calls this room 'The reflection room'. The first time he put me in, he told me to cut myself and if I didn't, he'd give me something much worse. I didn't at first, but after he came in and saw I hadn't done what he asked me to, he left me starving and the beating became more serious for 1 month. I don't want that pain ever again, so I have no choice. If I ran away, he'd call the police and all the hero departments. I mean, what else am I supposed to do?

Father let me out and shut me in my room, which consisted of a desk, a bed, and a TV. I put the TV on and watched it. I saw a villain, fighting my dad. My eyes gleamed and shined. I cheered for the villain, to defeat my dad and to defeat the real villain. Then, the villain ran away. It was all because father called for reinforcement. He actually stood up against my dad! I want to meet him! I want to help him! I saw that his name was Hiro. I saw his phone number, his name, his records, and all the other information about him. It seems that his quirk was called 'Infinity'. It made him have 2 quirks,which was immortality. It was the kind that doesn't allow the user to age, and Teleportation. I got out a phone I pick pocketed from a stranger. I once used this to call for help, only to be ignored, but if it's this person... I typed the villains phone number and called him.

"911, what's your emergency?" he faked. I smiled and breathed in and out. "Don't think I can take it. With every drama, a piece of me dies. Like some kind of sadist. I think that he likes to see the pain in my eyes. The longer I'm with him, a piece of me dies. Doctors on the other side, cause he's not coming home tonight, and I just took my very last pill. Need something to numb the pain. Demons knocking on my brain. I think they're coming in for the kill. Nine one wanna need some. While my baby plays me like a game. I'm not having fun. You must think that I'm crazy. Well he does too so I guess that makes three? Need someone to save me. I'd really appreciate if you'd intervene. Doctors on the other side, cause he's not coming home tonight, can't seem to find my bottle or pills. Swear to God I'm not insane." I chuckled, tears streaming down my face. I wiped my face and the phone was still on.

"Save... me..." I whimpered. The door slammed open, and I bet the villain heard it too, cause he let out a small gasp. I hid the phone in my pocket, and it seems father didn't see. He punched me in the face and did it multiple times. My dad's quirk was steel. He was able to make himself into steel or control steel. His steel fist always abused my face, making it into a black, red and blue color. "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep here! Being a No.1 hero is hard, so shut up, or your dead!" he shouted before he slammed the door closed. I climbed onto my bed, limp. I took the phone out, and it seems that he heard it all. "Please, I can't take it anymore. I'm dying. Help me. Please. Save me." I pleaded him, "My address is XX of XXX. My room is on the bottom floor, the last room. If you can, save me... please. I need something to numb the pain. If you don't want to, it's fine... I'll just..." I couldn't utter a word anymore. I stopped the phone call and went to sleep.


Hi, what do you think so far? The song this time is '911'.

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