May 11: Royalty/Aristocracy/Feudal

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Damian Wayne, was the heir to more than just one crown. His Father, Bruce Wayne, was the king of Gotham while his Mother, Taila Al Guhl, was a princess of Assassins. From a young age he was to rule over the Assassins, then everything came crashing down when he turned ten. His Mother and Grandfather had been killed, and he was sent to live with his Father. At first it had been difficult to adjust to life in Gotham. No one, not his Father or adoptive brothers, seemed to realize that he had grown up on the outside his entire life. Had seen and done things most of them couldn't comprehend. Eventually this led to him leaving in the middle of the night.

Now his Father had known where he had gone, but realized that he would come to him in his own time. Now, with his eighteenth birthday approaching soon it was his time to take over the crown. Despite having three older brothers the burden of becoming king fell on the young man's shoulders. While his brothers were able to refuse the crown, and did so quite quickly seeing what it had done to their Father, he wasn't able to refuse as it was his birthright. He didn't want to be king, not after he had lived as a civilian.

"Damian'' was the first thing he heard that day "Damian Wayne, you open up this door immediately" he heard banging on the door. He looked around at his surroundings, not remembering a thing that happened the previous night. He looked over to the other side of his bed only to find a naked woman laying next to him. Looking at himself he realized that he too was undressed. It didn't take a detective to figure out what had happened. He had a pounding headache and the banging on his door didn't help, so he just laid back in bed, pulling the covers over his head to block out the sunlight.

The next thing he knew the covers were ripped from his face, revealing his body from the waist up. What greeted him were two dazzling amethyst orbs looking down at him. He scoffed and turned around. "Go away demon" Raven, the young girl he had directed the comment towards, chuckled softly. At the sound he sat up to look at her. He loved hearing her laugh, it was light and breathy. "Come on damian, in a few days you're gonna be the king while I'm gonna be at the bar drinking away the heartbreak of never being able to see you again" the violet haired girl said with so much seriousness in her voice that he almost believed her, but he knew better. So instead of responding to her he fell back into bed with a thud, waking the women in his bed up. She sat up using the blankets to cover herself, looking up at Raven. Slowly Raven had turned her head towards the future king, raising her brow. "You didn't kick her out? That's a first" all the response she got in return was a glare.

Sometimes he wondered how they had ever become friends, of course he knew the answer to that. Just like him she had left her family, who lived in The Undergrounds, for a different and more understanding life. The Undergrounds was a few kingdoms away. No one knew anything about them -except that their future ruler had disappeared a while ago- and very few people were actually allowed to leave. From what he knew Raven had left illegal. Of course when he first met her he didn't like this. However, as time went on he realized that unlike him, who left his home because he felt misunderstood, she did it to escape an abusive household. She told him that the king of The Undergrounds was an evil dictator.

The lady narrowed her eyes at Raven and looked at him with a pout and started batting her lashes. "Oh Damian, shouldn't you kick this wrench out-" she said looking at Raven "-so we can continue where we left off?" she started to touch his chest and was leaning in for a kiss when he had stopped her. He never understood women like her who thought that they meant more to him then a meaningless fling. As cruel as it sounded, he would only hook-up with someone when he was shit-faced drunk, and he always felt guilty about it afterwards since he knew that it was just driving a wedge between the one person he'd actual pursue a relationship with. He got out of bed, making sure he kept the blankets to his waist. He asked the lady to leave and after a couple minutes of her throwing a tantrum she finally did. "Well as fun as that was to watch" Raven started up. "Hurry up and get dressed" she told him, walking into his kitchen so she could make some tea.

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